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Dank MeeMoo

APD Officer
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Status Updates posted by Dank MeeMoo

  1. Happy birthday @SecTranLive hope you’re doing great.

  2. o7 @SecTranLive you’re probably one of the realist people on here. Hopefully you’ll come visit us in ts sometimes, you’ll be missed man.

  3. Happy birthday smelly boi @1thedoc ❤️

  4. The current state of America just makes me feel sad man

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. buckie


      @Dank MeeMoo destroying other peoples stuff because your mad is a stupid reason to destroy someone elses stuff

    3. swrvy


      we dont even got a fucked up police system its just a few cops out of thousands that do stupid shit. people who freaking out over it are fucking fags. now cops are scared to do their job. they should be out gunning down people in the target parking lot with their tvs

  5. Is anyone meant to be able to buy the gang skins for vehicles?

    1. Millennium


      its meant for only that gang's members

    2. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      Well anyone can buy them, atleast prism's hatchback

    3. Ryan


      15 hours ago, Dank MeeMoo said:

      Well anyone can buy them, atleast prism's hatchback

      Is a bug, will be fixed.

  6. 977bd977afa9c11b6b50f8d288a90cad.png

    This is pretty worrying IMO. I don't think there should be more active chief whitelists than all of Sapd combined. The better the equipment the more rare it should be.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Well. I’m still whitelisted as a corporal but I’m such a shit shot that it doesn’t affect anyone. Also I’m pretty active. 
      I have fun playing the game and still play my role as corporal. 
      After all it’s a game and the server rewards you for hard work you have put on it. 

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Buzzword post

    4. i win

      i win


      @Zahzi stats are wrong dude, fix it.

  7. Can we update the Olympus item prices sheet?

    1. GoBoom


      best tank gunner around... still mad it kicked me after i hit the shot xd

  8. No cleanup script make me 😞

  9. Congrats @buckie shit my bad @Millennium

    1. buckie


      lol real funny kid u should replace ur worn out kneepads

    2. Millennium
  10. Hey so uh we gettin our tier 3’s back Mr @Sandman?

    1. Unjo


      No, altis can't afford tier 3 vest import tax 

  11. Congrats @Revise you've worked so hard for it!

  12. @Winters why do you have a profile pic?

    1. Civak


      I forced it upon him.

  13. @Zeuse Congrats on contributor big man

    1. Zeuse


      Thanks fish 🐠 

  14. Happy birthday @Millennium you’re thic as hell. Happy birthday my son @Brolaf

    1. Millennium


      you forgot the other c. but ty ❤️

    2. Brolaf


      Thanks Dank PeePoo

  15. Imagine taking down a post that doesn't make you look good lmao 

  16. So a new gun's been added that doesn't do damage. You can shoot at people while they drive past you, shoot right at their head, and shoot at their heli all while they probably won't be able to tell the difference because it just got added. AND it isn't engagement?? This is such blatant baiting to rip ranks. Not to mention it makes the glass breaking sound so you think you're getting shot at from far away but you can't actually know because "MAYBE FLARE GUN". How is this a good idea?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Noahhh!


      This might just be me, but the sound of a flare gun is pretty distinctive. I get what you mean though. Can be misleading for sure.

    3. Unjo


      If I shoot something with a flare gun I would 100% expect to get clapped back. 

    4. Strikke


      Just go around shooting at EVERYONE and then get them banned because it doesn't engage :) 10/10

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