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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Hoonter

  1. The issue I have with medics is that they purposelessly turn themselves over for 30 minutes to a rebel group doing a fed/bw/jail for more money
  2. Congratz @Destruct good to see you moving up in the world

    1. destruct


      Hey thanks man! :)

    2. Hoonter


      Remember when you were a deputy good to see you found something you enjoy alot

    3. destruct


      Yeah dude for sure, you know -  You, King and Gomby were the first people I played with when I joined the APD as a deputy. Now you're all corporals, that's some awesome stuff.

  3. Literally have 40 cop uni and vest combos if you are intrested
  4. God I Hate life so much some days like Arma 3 is my only escape and I don't even enjoy that much anymore 

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      This is actually funny as fuck

    3. J O E

      J O E

      Stop playing arma.

      Life hack 

    4. Egnazio


      Put in an LoA and find a better outlet. No point in forcing yourself to play a game you don't find enjoyable.

  5. Spar-16s is a corp gun bud theres a diffrence between that and a spar-16
  6. @kev @DeadPool @ryan beck a week ago you were complaining about feds being cop sided...:thinking-face_1f914:

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. KrispyK


      do you know how to read

    3. ItsGG


      @Hoonter the stacks arent the same as they used to be, sapd and the apd in general is more active than it has ever been meaning bigger stacks, more lethals and more sapd vehicles. On top of that the civ player base isnt as good skill wise as it used to be imo.

    4. KrispyK


      i remember when it was unheard of for more than 10 cops per server







      we also won more feds with less shit

  7. Man  can't wait for @DeadPool and @Google to be working together for 4 months seems like its going to be fun

  8. o7 my dude know we had some shit when we first met each other but like to think i could call you a good friend
  9. @zoomzooooooom for civ rep will fix this shit 

    1. zoomzooooooom


      i fix everything i look at

    2. DeadPool


      But how you gonna fix it if you don’t play civ ???? 

    3. Hoonter
  10. s3 4 crater and garage
  11. Nerf Salvaging 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Mike Pence

      Mike Pence

      I mean cop is pretty low risk and makes an abundance of money 

    3. codeYeTi


      Everyone bitching about salvage doesn't realize how long that shit actually takes. It's a good way for new players to get started, and if long-timer's want to waste their time on that shit, then let 'em I say.

      Also: yea if you don't like it go buy an SDAR on civ and rob some kids for their OP run. Problem solved.

    4. QKSILVR73


      And if we die doing its,s me oh well.  cant chop subs

  12. Seems like way to much work for the voluntary staff that already have people complaining about them being slow at their job
  13. https://gyazo.com/aa7eeb106c5f5bab078a99a66d0aac02 https://gyazo.com/6ab845cb84a58bc3787f5ae26e243c8a https://gyazo.com/c6b6b10b09ab976e64d2bfe16d1fc414 https://gyazo.com/3a84b7a03978e372c5b6cf25f2a50a68 https://gyazo.com/cad29a3cdf1e5c1f848d0352a42a91e9 https://gyazo.com/d3e38a5620dc5be87cedf2a095d894f0 https://gyazo.com/d7086382110e5d0093f60a03e689c55f https://gyazo.com/eefdf98354389bcaed822da066083ff6 https://gyazo.com/149ead516429e1b0d55a70f7c026fbdb
  14. You want 6 mil and the whole thing? including houses?
  15. Just offer
  16. Mar 10 Taser Mark-1 Taser Mar 10 Lethal Several Mx's Cmr's Mxm will get pictures Like 40 cop vest and uni combo's Tear Gas Abdera 4 crater s3 Abdera Garage s3 Sofia 3 Crater s2 Sofia 3 crater s2
  17. nien
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