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Everything posted by Airborne

  1. The sAPD have decided to cancel their meeting for Sunday, Feb. 10, due to the severe cold weather.

  2. Happy birthday brothacooked @Outcast

  3. The Corsair K70 is by far the best keyboard I have ever used, I would highly recommend it.
  4. Happy birthday @Hylos

    1. Hylos


      Ty ty chewy will be chewy tonight :D

  5. Can confirm @hawk can’t aim
  6. o7
  7. All that hard work paid off, congrats @Pledge

  8. o7 man thanks for all you've done for the apd and giving me a chance at Sr. APD.
  9. @Hoonter
  10. Happy birthday you commie @Hoonter

  11. Winter is coming 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hoonter


      Ahhh another season of butchering George RR martins work

    3. sped
    4. Millennium


      Actually its becoming Springs get ur facts straight nerd

  12. The Senior Support Team is responsible for managing all members of the Support Team and everything that goes with that such as applications, testing, and disciplinaries.
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