Conquest Gang Funds
Additional money will be placed into the top 3 gangs' gang funds upon the end of a conquest.
1st place: $1,000,000
2nd place: $500,000
3rd place: $250,000
Texture Additions
Christmas Hatchback
Christmas Ifrit
Christmas Uniform
Hyper Beast Ifrit
NASA Uniform
Black Camo Tempest
Sandman Gang Uniform
Accessibility ramps around the map for certain community members Some accessibility ramps around the map have unfortunately been delayed due to health concerns for certain community members
Pharma sell stats
Gangshed near north airfield
Toolkit as a Y inventory item
House tax no longer factors upgrades into cost of house.
Eg: A fully upgraded 4 crater's tax rate now based off of $2,200,200 instead of $4,320,000
Now able to pick contraband at all times while in jail
Minimum amount of contraband picked up increased to 2 from 1
"Terminate Escort" scroll-wheel now has a 30 second progress bar
Updated intro credits
Lethal payout calculation
Issues with selling/claiming Blackwater/Escort vehicles
Various bugs
Texture Removals
Lumberjack Uniform
US Army Tempest
Altis Racer Hatchback
Louis Vuitton Ifrit
Hotfix #1
Christmas Hex Icons! - post soon
Increased default vehicle despawn distance
Lollypop is now a Candy Cane!!!!!!!!1111!!
Binoculars to get names work again
Some keys not being able to be used under certain conditions
Gathering turtles more accurate
Fixed excavation bug
Fixed casino betting exploit
Fixed conquest god-mode bugs
Fixed Senior who started APD escort not getting their money back
Fixed Cop hex icons
Fixed lethal text giving own name instead of person who lethaled
Fixed lethal injector is now seizable
Fixed bug with earplug sliders being switched
Fixed headless client showing up on various lists
Fixed medics not being able deny some people
Fixed various other bugs
Houses actually mark as paid when being paid for, players are notified when they login to prevent a similar occurrence in 14d
Performance enhancements
3 more gang textures
All houses are rolled back to yesterday (2020-12-08), if you lost anything, make a comp ticket. If you don't have evidence, that's fine, admins have a list to reference.
As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.