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Everything posted by Peterr

  1. skip gangwars.. make a league and stream it every friday all gangs play against eachother and its not a elimination type event. And no it's not conquest.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      Gang wars is not the same without Peter Long

    3. silton


      or you could make the conquest wins a ladder and have play offs

    4. Tom


      do it off poiNts from cONq

  2. black desert online
  3. Accepted, Locked & moved.
  4. I did speak to both walt, deadpool and two separate devs about this. The response was: as it’s not on main servers it shouldn’t be a thing on GW. Tho i disagree with it, i’m with you on this one and having the smoke blur would add more of a dynamic to gang wars. Besides that I was sad to see the stream not working as we did test it twice with the overlays and such. If i was to summarize the my feedback in one word it would be “Time” Both the preparations(to some degree) the actual gang wars and the after-math was super rushed. But most importantly I and many others had fun!
  5. 100%
  6. I think those old people from asylum will win...
  7. Actually I made a project with other designers to compress the R&R skins “, and we were able to cut a lot of MBs off. So there might just be space for some more!
  8. New & cool skins for vehicles!
  9. Peterr

    o7 v2

    o7, I think my @ was lost in transit...
  10. Peterr


    yo wtf dawg!?!?!?
  11. gratz!!! 

  12. yessir
  13. good shit maddox!!!

  14. 1b483b978af41d52484981ad990b4790.png

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hazza*


      yoo thats the only reason why fraali banned me he thinks im gonna pay the kid

    3. Fraali
    4. hazza*


      @ Fraali blatant cheater damn you really are a tumour to this server

  15. Slide a swifty 250£ and you might have your problem solved
  16. Peterr

    lovelyyyy, gratz man

  17. Peterr

    Happy Birthday!

    This user is celebrating their special day today!

  18.  😿

    1. Clark_


      they wont unban me 5 months later

    2. Peterr


      @ Mako how many staff points i gotta pay for this man to be unbanned 😢

  19. best conflict dou happy bday

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