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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. Yeah we were looking to change it. Not sure how it'll work if we change it before then.
  2. This update also includes a gravesite for @ DABESTeva in Pyrgos graveyard.
  3. If it’s an issue then bring it up, currently most of our cards are illegal pros. Nearly all of these cards weren’t even formally requested, I just noticed there were complaints about them. Ultimately there’s not many options for making a processor more defendable if you have to stay inside a single building to process. 1 nade can wipe an entire run. Not sure which cap alpha cap is or what wrong with it. First I’ve heard of this.
  4. Bro change ur forums name

    1. Nate


      get @ Nate to change his name or delete his profile

    2. Rafa
  5. b48c72ed46da12185bfd98069a1a174b.jpg

    1. Millennium


      what could you possibly need 4 ghost hawks for at a Pharma drop off...

    2. NokiaStrong


      Ghosthawk we chased for over an hour

    3. jig


      @ Millennium  they chased our hawk for 2 hours i was flying shit was aids. Shot down about 15 ghawks and 15 armed planes with titans and hawk. Didnt lose the hawk KCE ON TOP!

  6. Congrats @ Eddy Spagooti

    you’re still a perm po in my heart 💘

    1. Eddy Spagooti

      Eddy Spagooti

      and in my head too ❤️


  7. Honestly I think it’s just you getting trolled. I haven’t played a round where I saw an intentional team kill.
  8. Congrats on basic @ Clash AKA Clish

    Those redzones aren't ready for you! 😈

    1. Clashingtin


      Wow thanks a lot dude it really means a lot 

  9. I'd recommend also getting a good screen as its really underrated in a laptop. Makes a viewing experience much and u can watch shit in between classes.
  10. For short holidays I used my gaming laptop or just didnt game. For winter break, I brought the pc home. Most college breaks are at most a 3 or 4 day weekend, besides spring and winter break.
  11. Bring ur pc to college, get a nice windows laptop for class. Windows is more likely to have compatibility with programs. I had a gaming laptop that was aids to bring to class as its heavy, loud, hot, and had no battery life.
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