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Status Replies posted by GregoV1

  1. imagine deleting a status update because you whiff more then the person you called out lol

  2. Can someone change my names please? I don't like gaygo. It doesn't fit me.

  3. Can someone change my names please? I don't like gaygo. It doesn't fit me.

  4. This wait to see who the last supervisor pick is BIG SUSPENSE!!

  5. This wait to see who the last supervisor pick is BIG SUSPENSE!!

  6. Day#739

    Ares has still yet to be found. 

  7. Congrats @Strae don't share the Charlie method too much

  8. Congrats @Dr Bambino you were the best worst option

  9. Oh shit boys whats good?

  10. @Strae Tbh like. DPI glitch should be allowed

  11. Since the status updates are going by so fast nobody will see this!!! I’m gay.









  12. If we top off the Donation Goal by the end of Today I will host a Event in game!

  13.  Good to see differnt punishments for the same broken rule as long as long as they are liked or not. lmao

  14. Do civ hawks have the same armor as APD hawks? Doesn't seem like it because civ hawks lose engine with like 1 rocket.

  15. Don't mean to spam ya with weeb shit but if any of you enjoyed Death Note then this is @McDili and I's all time favorite now on Netflix:


  16. I know people don’t wanna hear this but I almost feel like h best way to get Olympus back is a wipe at this point, it’s tough to say who has hacked money anymore and who doesn’t :/

  17. I got @ikiled to come home from school to update the servers for us

  18. My mom asked me the reason why I don't play Fortnite.

    My response: 


  19. My mom asked me the reason why I don't play Fortnite.

    My response: 


  20. My mom asked me the reason why I don't play Fortnite.

    My response: 


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