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Status Replies posted by GregoV1

  1. can i put a comp request in for my eardrums

  2. Can anyone tell me why I cant send anyone a steam message?


  3. Anyone know any good ways to study?

  4. I got a big heart

  5. I love getting dqed for workshop mods that gives me esp :]

  6. I love getting dqed for workshop mods :]

  7. Training server is back up and running. Sorry for the long down time! 

  8. Hello all, servers are back up for good. If you have any problems with things not saving please message me but other than that everything should be good. I hope... c:

  9. @Staff @Designers

    Please remove/edit these side railings at the jail. They honestly make pushing the jail even harder since they are unbreakable. Either remove them or make them breakable. Thanks ^_^

  10. Remember we are giving away money. To enter the give way join the discord and react to the party hat under server give aways! https://discordapp.com/invite/cqf5m8F


  11. Still need people that are available all day Saturday to do stats for gang wars. Will be paid nicely

  12. Still need people that are available all day Saturday to do stats for gang wars. Will be paid nicely

  13. @rapidaax you won’t retire from staff no balls

  14. I had a nightmare where @Sho was my LT. Oh wait..... shit

  15. trna hide from the camera i aint gon outside todayh 

  16. Oh noooo!!! the Fusah Disease got @Ryan

  17. @ikiled is slowly turning into @Fusah

    EVERYBODY RUN!!!!!!!!!

  18. Let’s have a Presidental Election! That way I can run, become President of Altis and make weed legal. :3

  19. would you suck your dads dick or let your mom die?

  20. Alright given out a key for cod4 or Anthem just comment for a chance to win drawing the winners @6pm central time 

  21. Who knows about dynamic ips and can help me in ts?

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