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Status Updates posted by GregoV1

  1. @Dr Bambino Grats brother

    1. Dr Bambino

      Dr Bambino

      Thanks man! I really appreciate it!

  2. Happy birthday you three :) @gomby @TheCmdrRex @Ryan

  3. Happy b-day buddy

  4. The guy below called himself a fat emo :4head:

  5. The guy below has freckles 

  6. So one of my ram sticks and my harddrive are fucked in my computer. Gonna be an interesting next few days.

    1. Lukeee
    2. Drippp


      5 minutes ago, Lukeee said:

      go outside

      Never go outside, the sun is frightening. I get my tan from my computer screen

    3. BENJI


      1 hour ago, Drippp said:

      Never go outside, the sun is frightening. I get my tan from my computer screen

      Can confirm, the sun is trying to kill you

  7. took you long enough @ChrisGG grats

  8. This video made me want to play Arma 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. snipeZ
    3. N7Zero


      too bad he became a full time lawyer :FeelsBad:

    4. Slumberjack


      He does appear in one of Sada's newer videos and explains where he's been/ how he's doing and they team up for another adventure.

  9. #bringbackcorporalbenjaminmemer

  10. I don’t think is @snipeZ‘s birthday. Fuck that guy

  11. As much as I would like to get my times on medic and cop right now. Xfinity has been fucking me for the last few days sooooo. Currently I won’t have internet until tomorrow around 3pm. Real sad boy times. :FeelsBad:

    1. Khabib


      get some fresh air

    2. SPBojo


      Go outside for once, retard.

  12. Messy is gay | Change My Mind

  13. Just got promoted :)

  14. I’m going to give you a 1 star on every reply you have ever given me @Coffee

    1. Coffee


      That is fine Grego.

  15. @tacosmell is actually Oddkast's son | Change My Mind

    1. Tacosmell


      lmaoo you aren't the only one to say this 

    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Ive been saying this forever, get some new content sir

    3. Strikke


      1 hour ago, KGB JOSH said:

      Ive been saying this forever, get some new content sir

      Hold skjeft din jævla apekatt. Korrupt drittsekk <3

  16. There was a glitch in the matrix @Ron

    1. Ron


      [OS] Ron Jeadman has begun his watch

  17. Can I get comp for every fucking title that got deleted from the hacker?

    1. NexIV
    2. Lex yo

      Lex yo

      I think the titles were wiped because of the update. Correct me if im wrong.

  18. Watching Appolo 13 if anyone wants to join


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