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Status Updates posted by GregoV1

  1. Happy birthday @Jonathan02


    Happy birthday the definition of aids and toxic @Matt The Savage

    1. Jonathan02


      Just seeing this been gone haha thanks Grego.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. falcon


      because i said so :dejaywink:

    3. snipeZ


      1 minute ago, tyler said:

      because i said so :dejaywink:

      Those words remind me of the days when you tried to steal every bounty you saw from other cops mr.vigilante falcon.

    4. monster
  2. L O L

    This gave me a good laugh

  3. @Revise Idk who you are but Congrats!!

  4. @Hoonter happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. @Sho I was wondering when your promo was

  6. With this recent APD Handbook update, I know can't roleplay with random people :(

  7. Happy birthday @max^


    1. darn fool

      darn fool

      Sure if you live in a broken ass timezone

      Thank ya brother

    2. maxg
  8. o7 @Coffee You where a great supervisor :'(


  9. @mohsen98 If you keep downvoting me I'll find you in-game and RDM you.

  10. @falcon happy birthday 15 year old

  11. Showing tits for money

  12. @Jordan540 happy birthday retired deputy chief

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