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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by destruct

  1. @Pledge Mk200 Black for Cops on Contact DLC? :)

    1. 1-800TryHards
    2. Pledge


      The APD considers all options, some of which are classified.. 

  2. Happy Birthday!

    1. Viper


      Thanks babe. Sorry I yelled at you yesterday :( 

    2. destruct


      2 hours ago, Viper said:

      Thanks babe. Sorry I yelled at you yesterday :( 

      Don't you worry, enjoy your Birthday :)

  3. Quick update: If you do use your VIP Teamspeak channel, at the top of your VIP channel description, please write "DO NOT DELETE", and write the owner of the channel. If you cannot change your description for any reason, let me or @Ryan know in TeamSpeak preferably, if you cannot reach us in TS, send us a PM on the forums. This is to reduce the amount of unused TeamSpeak channels and to organize the VIP channel section a bit more. If you do end up losing your TeamSpeak channel and you've donated the proper amounts, do not fret, create a 'Donation Support' ticket and we'll create it again. EXAMPLE:
  4. Welcome back BrothaCa... I mean @Outcast

  5. destruct

    o7 Gamers

    Cool video & sad to see you go
  6. @Pledge Congratulations on contributor!

  7. Well, guess this is how I find out...
  8. Ryan would lose hard, he sucks at CS:GO
  10. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12-4ltiEBEoRg-2CBe5EbNR5M1a18P5bQPHs2Z-ZuIcU/edit?usp=sharing Enjoy
  11. 4e1b18320303c1abbc3a54643b8e40c4.png


    1. Richard


      So you’re saying there’s a chance for tractors on Olympus!?

  12. @Dr Bambino Congrats dude, you seem like a chill guy.

    1. Dr Bambino

      Dr Bambino

      Thanks man! I thought you were cool until I clicked on this post and SHIT myself when your profile song started

  13. Why don't we try feds like this - if it's too OP we revert it and if it's alright we can keep it. This isn't set in stone boys and girls.
  14. Why? A senior developer with database access needs to go in the database and edit your values to reflect all of the individual charges, they have enough shit to do, ain't nobody got time for that.
  15. How about we make a ban appeal
  16. I don't know you too well, due to not really having any interactions with you, but, in this post you're making yourself look like a grade-A fuck. If this is how you behaved with staff and other community members, glad to see you go.
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