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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by destruct

  1. Happy birthday old man!

  2. Congratumalations Mr.@Airborne on Corp!

  3. If you have any ideas for the R&R please fill out this form: R&R IDEA FORM

    1. monster


      give r&r lethals so they can lethal criminals who have bounties then revive them.

  4. Congratulations to Mr.@Airborne on Senior Support Team!

  5. Pro Suicide Pact


    1. ikiled


      very impressive ^_^

    2. JAMIE


      I wonder whats the biggest one you could make

  6. Big congratulations to @Scribble and Mr.Pond @Kyle Lake!

    1. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      Thanks Career cop!

  7. Congratulations to @ikiled and @zoomzooooooom babes

    1. ikiled


      Thanks destruct!

  8. Congratulations @hawk and @gomby on Sergeant!

  9. @ChrisGG Congratulations on Lieutenant!

  10. For clarifications sake - does this mean that Patrol Officers can issue pardon tickets at their own discretion even if there is a corporal+ on the server?
  11. Selling armed qilin, offer.
  12. @Fushigi Congratulations on Moderator!

  13. @SPBojo Hey congratulations on the stuff mans

    1. SPBojo


      Thanks babe! <3

  14. @Benjamin Remer Dude, always fun to play with you. Well Deserved. Congratulations on Corporal bud.

    1. BENJI


      Much appreciated :)

  15. Grr been having internet problems the past four days that makes me unable to play Arma feelsbadman

    1. drama


      Time to go outside :Kappa:

    2. destruct


      Is that a new server?

  16. Some of your questions might be answered here:
  17. Congratulations @Deputy Dog as well as @Sandman!

  18. Bye dude, had some fun times. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors.
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