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Everything posted by Jester

  1. Jester


    Good bye lagging, I'll miss you buddy I will still be in TS for now, but thank you sir sped
  2. Jester


    Goodbye Revise, I'm sorry you got removed from corporal. <3
  3. Jester


    Yeah ok But besides that, good luck with the server fr. Please don't let it die :p
  4. Jester


    + fucking 1 to that.
  5. Jester


    Goodbye Indian. Not gonna lie seeing your o7 post really made me question why I'm still here haha, but at least I can focus on more important shit
  6. Jester


    Winged it like 2 times haha
  7. Jester


    I love you career medic, goodbye GF I can't @ anymore people so
  8. Jester


    I can't add anymore reactions but thank you boys
  9. So after 2 years on here, I finally got permed for some stupid shit. In case you are wondering, I was banned for "doxxing", even then I never actually doxxed that person so there's that. This is not an admit of guilt because I did not do anything perm - worthy, but just because I don't want to deal with this any longer. I hopefully will get unpermed but I'm making this post because if I do get unpermed, I will still continue being witchunted and its hard to enjoy when that's happening. Anyway, I've had a blast on Olympus and honestly I was thinking about resigning many times so this threw me overboard (obviously). From failing my deputy test 3 times to getting to FTO and Support Lead, its been fun and a hella of a grind. Gonna @ some people now... @thor - You’ve stuck with me since day 1 and have helped me get places, and I can’t thank you enough for doing that. We have had our ups and downs but overall you are a super cool guy and I’ve enjoyed our laugh, o7. @tacosmell - I think you and I could be really good friends IRL since you and I share a lot in common. It was really hard for me to remove you from Senior Support because you are one of my best friends on Olympus. Gonna miss you buddy, stay in touch @maxg - Ah max. From grinding to corporal to basically running Support Team together, it’s been a blast. You suck at R6 btw @NokiaStrong - I’ve known you for such a long time and you are honestly such a chill dude. I’m happy I got you on Senior Support, o7 @sped- Goodbye GB master. I miss our 3am Minecraft sessions on Skyblock lol, gonna miss you. (can't @ anyone now so...) @KGB JOSH - One of the funniest guys I know, and I still don’t know how you don’t have Admin. Haha o7 bud. @Millennium - You always speak up for what you believe in, and that’s what I like most about you. I still remember reporting you for rule quoting like a year ago LOL. But honestly I’ve had some awesome times with you dude, o7 @Rossco - Never would I have thought I would make such a good friend in such a short amount of time. I’m sorry I couped you, hopefully I made you proud (Not including the perm lol). @Noodles - Not gonna lie, when you got corporal I was surprised. After I saw you grinding to get FTO and then later sgt, it opened my eyes about you. You are one of the chillest people I know, o7. @Greenbum - You can be annoying sometimes but I’m gonna blame that on the weed LOL. But seriously tho you are a really good friend and funny af sometimes. @Gaz - I miss you, hopefully you come back. @Strae - I’ve had some awesome laughs with you and honestly you are a really fun guy to play with. @Kedar - You finally got your PC back as soon as I get permed, but honestly I appreciate everything you have done for me outside of Olympus. Goodbye friend @Billy @Juandeaged - You guys are funny as hell, you guys are mad chill and dgaf sometimes and that’s the best thing about you guys. Ty guys for sticking with me through all the shit that’s been happening. @Brolaf - I’m happy you came back after the school year, and boy you climbed pretty high very fast. O7 @Hurricane- I met you the day before you got Corporal, and I’m happy you got sAPD because you deserved it. See ya dude @Decla - I always thought you were annoying but you are actually fun to play with. @Hylos @ThatNerdyGuy - You two were always very chill people and climbed up the ranks super fast. Good job, and good luck. @DABESTeva - You are a hilarious dude and I'm sorry for leaving synergy, but I'll miss you. @Danger - Goodbye, You will go far. If I missed you just tell me and I might add you. To DB and people witchunting me - Congrats, you can finally rest easy knowing I'm not here. Still don't understand why you hated me so much but either way it's a video game. Goodbye! I would also like to add that if I do get unpermed then I will most likely be coming back, but I doubt it since DB runs the server. Goodbye Olympus! o7
  10. Unfortunately at the moment Profile Songs are only available for staff, retired staff, and high tier donors.
  11. If you don’t actually SHOOT anyone with the gun or have any previous charges, I personally wouldn’t seize it as there is no reason to. But as @Unjo said if you do anything that warrants your weapon being taken away, they may revoke your vigi license so be careful
  12. @1-800TryHards holy shit finally dude congrats!!

  13. I forgot you guys were twins- happy birthday @sped and @Greenbum make it a good one boys

  14. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198160051645/
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