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Everything posted by Remorse

  1. PXE is a form of booting its mainly used in enterprise environments when imaging new machines to get the tailored version of windows onto the machine. Try going into your bios and checking the boot order / priority and place whichever media has your OS install higher than the PXE.
  2. rip bro, rest easy
  3. o7 been a good run battle-eye got me under the ban hammer. Have a good one 😍 Ya boy is an innocent man but BattleEye wont reply to ma appeal

    Leonardo Di Caprio Cheers GIF - Leonardo Di Caprio Cheers Great Gatsby GIFs

    Y'all was cool;

    @ Rexo  @ xxdausxx  @ Lea  @FatalCracker @ Devan - Black Jesus  @ Mark Brittlestone  @Roonberg @Patterson @ Ricky Falzo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Remorse


      @ Ricky Falzo  - Good playing with you lad, all the best

    3. Ricky Falzo

      Ricky Falzo

      Dam tags me right after lol


      We're gonna miss yea' . 

      Its probably a Mistake anyways cya in a week or so 

    4. Lea
  4. see u on the airdrops
  5. Pretty sick update, thanks devs
  6. Gonna go pray or sum shit, I dunno but I need something after seeing this thread
  7. Meanwhile everyone's dead in Kavala at the hands of Timothy the rook banger
  8. 0 secs to 7 secs
  9. [NSFW]

    iPod Touch down horrendous what is this shit

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SPBojo


      @ Grandma Gary Ofc you would know all about that ^-^

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I know that children exist?  I knew the bar was low for the education system in bumfuck SWELAND yet you still manage to surprise ^_^

    4. Fefe


      @ Grandma Gary Alright, here comes the explanation to why they are not. The girls in this picture were 16 at the time the anime came out, that was in 2018 so therefore they are now of age. Also on a serious note, the age of consent in argentina (my country) is 13.

  10. @ Poon Congrats on your promo lad

  11. @ Aceee  Congrats! The British coup is now underway

  12. o7 man, had good fun playing with you the few times I did on APD and in Nitro. All the best in your future endeavours
  13. o7 lad, goodluck out there
  14. such a generous rich man, should I win it should almost make up for the time you blasted me in kav with god guns rig me to win for free feet pic
  15. Remorse


    o7 lad goodluck
  16. Cool dogs, so cute. What breed are they kinda look abit border collie
  17. Ah yes, perfectimage.thumb.png.ec8d3a02b0c035a284ba5d9772c19850.png

  18. o7 homie
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