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Everything posted by Tyrone

  1. Picture of me in front of the meme shack
  2. Party in the memeshack



  3. dp4 2 crater on server 1 for sale Taking offers
  4. VAN for sure https://gyazo.com/03eb014eeb2a6f3a1a5df7b23dc94dd9
  5. 200k for Enhanced Combat Helmet IV
  6. Offer pls: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/843715352048116708/83DF41D02EA1B6E805B1491C1FC28F5652253B3B/
  7. 2 armed hurons in a day YEEEET


    1. -sam


      Fucken lucky cunts 

  8. Taking offers on one of the dp9 garages and on the warzone house: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/829076398278328640/6707BFE9310ACF0EB0D4A2296DDE09CBDF6735C7/ Kavala Scat House: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/829076398278329121/5BE3C41B6D3B275856CF5FB78A13FF9DBA6F2632/
  9. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/829076236042750472/6858F568BE39CF9FE1D6484CA311ECDECBED0735/

    When the last cop finally makes it to the dome to defuse after legs being broken 5+ times

    1. -dante-


      We were all yelling at this man to hurry then he started getting tazes like crazy...i now see why 

    2. PoptartRex


      Good to see Prime Rib finally taking off as a superior gang to Prime. 

    3. falcon


      Yeahhh Prime Rib was the carry on that BW. 

  10. Starting price 3m server 1 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/843711997031688511/F88C48E9B632804120893399FB0AD4696DFAA02F/
  11. When you are about to make over 10m in gold bars, but marcuis logs


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mercury


      Submit a comp request and player report respectively.

    3. Hydra


      Comp request already got denied, and player got removed. lol

    4. Dangus


      That sucks that the comp request for denied. That really fuckin blows

  12. A BlackWater, Tasing cops in Kavala, Taking a ghost hawk for over an hour, shooting down 10 ghost hawks, And ending it with a ghosthawk only Blackwater

    Very Fun time

    @bigSMOKE @rabid @heyday

    @Egnazio @Lucki @Excision @Gibbs @Harley Quinn @PanDa1771 @Dingle Pooper@The Mad Russian @Plumber



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheKoreanNation


      wow not tagged...


    3. Tyrone
    4. Gibbs


      Was fun times thanks for letting me skat with you guys.



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