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John Wayne

Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by John Wayne

  1. Don’t worry Ares got permed and came back as owner. GOAT got removed and came back as chief. youll be ok
  2. Can’t wait for sleepy joe

    hes going to talk so slow just one sentence will finish off the 15minutes

    1. Drippp


      Who cares Government is corrupt 

  3. If you vote Biden your a pedo good luck
  4. my steam account is older than arma3 players... yikes

  5. Anyone get covid yet

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Yeah makes a lot of sense. “I ain’t a pussy so I didn’t die”. 🤣

    3. thor
    4. Joce


      did they tho? or they just didnt wanna put in their weekly time?

  6. this is the worst one i've ever seen
  7. We need wish.com ads

    much more enjoyable

  8. yikes
  9. definitely a game changer....
  10. John Wayne


  11. Price check sting taser

  12. ya'll fucked up just sayin
  13. 2.6. Medics are not required but should always try to deny players requesting to be denied thru their death menu. rekt
  14. thanks for the lesson nerd @Zahzi
  15. is this your bf why you keep posting a pic of him
  16. We need one on OG
  17. My man Ares would be proud
  18. @Zahzi whens the DB skin dropping I wanna see the nothing is out of our reach logo also 20 is fuck all but I get the recurring subscription
  19. I don't understand the role
  20. @Grandma Gary is just gunna delete the house I remember when the one next to it got completely removed lmao
  21. I can stretch any of this shit. Verbal Threats... you tell me to hands up or you'll shoot, that's a threat. Downtiered.
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