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Everything posted by Mr GOAT

  1. Tfw you clowns will realize you’re censoring the inevitable
  2. Look at this clown. Even when the server is hitting 75/150 on O N E server on a SATURDAY your dumbass STILL doesn’t get it. H I L A R I O surely can’t be long before ryan and friends replace you due to your horrendously bad decision making #ServerPopDoesntLie
  3. They’re both heading for the same spot my graphics card went, don’t worry fam.
  4. HappeningCon4.thumb.gif.3f08a84c5911687c4437cea08800318e.gif

    1. lukie



    2. monster
    3. Drippp


      They didn’t fucking listen lol they are so fucked dude

  5. What fucking planet were you born on? Surely not altis or earth
  6. I quit the server and look where it is. You're mad I got mod because of @McDili vouched for my abilities? You're REALLY mad hahahaha. I've done more for this server than you'll ever have the capability to. Ever. Now I can say @Millennium, I have a new rent free location myself: your head. Interesting you say this, multiple times when I played I witnessed @Blueangelman36 himself and whoever callsign supa fag is (among many, many others) to scout redzones using the jet/blackfish. Witnessed this on cop and on the staff map ESP. So the characterization that they're useless and aren't tactically used is quite a pathetic argument. Fairly certain we have pictures of the Jet camera getting a clear view on Sofia rebel from Sofia Salt Flats. You can maintain an altitude while circling. You can SELECT A TARGET with the fucking camera. You are really dense. No, but you might as well be Keep expanding that circle jerk LOOOOOOOOOOOL
  7. the apd cant have a propeller plane that is 1 tappable by a rook but its ok for the civs to have something that has a hubble telescope on the front that goes faster than the speed of sound credit @rabid for the hubble telescope sound argument @ civ council
  8. don't make me pull the carfax report out to show that's literally what noble does, @ the entire discord for e-rep on a dead arma 3 forum LOL you have 0 credibility on this server, so hearing anything about "leadership" from you is a MEME a legit RANDOM from 501st who thinks they know balance como se dice R E T A R D go 07 again dumb kid lol
  9. No @Grandma Gary is the flip flopper. Everyone outside of noble and people who wear flip flops agree, jets are OP. The APD could make ANY change and one of you retards would make a post about it, and then you’d @ the entire noble discord saying “SUPPORT THIS IDEA GUIZ” tfw an altis life server is being ran into the ground because literal scats ideas gain traction RETARDATION.JPG
  10. Look at this dumb retard LOL ohhhh I see now olympus gang: noble noah must really not like this change for you to be forced to make this post @Nemnock nemtard
  11. Look at the civ council tards spam after small changes serverded.jpg Oh look even some flip flops showed up
  12. ctrl+f this post for "sound lad" u are braindead lol
  13. was noble, so worth
  14. Mr GOAT

    wts sell AT

    prepare for the downvotes, those kids camp the forums lOl
  15. For about a year. thank your dev team and civ council for not allowing deputies a POLICE vest for fucks sake some of these kids still don’t get it
  16. It’s this mentality that has put this server where it is *RIGHT NOW*. When you realize it, don’t say I told you so. So many people have actively tried to make cop not fun to play over the past 2-3 years. This forum post is indicative of the *exact* problem I’ve been saying for the past 6 months. Again, no one listens. Pretty soon, you’ll get your wish of NPC’s vs Noble LOL Also, this is markedly false. Police vests for PO+? A sting for deputies? Forgot how those are cpl+ buffs. Oh, don’t remind them about the money nerfs the civ council and devs BEGGED for
  17. the whole noble/silla/88 discord is on the forums rn guys please join our echo-chamber of laughter
  18. tenor.gif?itemid=13814494

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vcx


      Yeah you have no e-rank to care about because you lost it so stop crying about it go eat a rabid meal to make yourself feel better freak 

    3. Kamikaze


      @Vcx massive difference between "losing it" and stepping down lol

    4. Civak


      well he kind of lost his mind and ragequit but yeah same thing different wording

  19. Tfw a LITERAL nobody fueled by pure RENT FREE rage @rabid Comes at me with 0 knowledge of anything relevant Really curious what I got in “trouble” for and what I got “yoinked” Back to moonshine pro during peak hours kiddo. 90% of the players you interact with don’t know shit. Including yourself.
  20. this is why this community is going downhill people listen to retards like you, noah, and big john lmfao dog meat
  21. Happy birthday to the 2nd most hated player on olympus @rabid

  22. @Noahhh! 40 man L, very tough scene

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Millennium


      Lmao, the gear they got out if more expensive than the huron

    3. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      But still a loss tho right @Millennium

    4. Noahhh!


      ur a noble groupie

  23. You are one of the dumbest cunts on this server. Literally stop typing. You spread false narratives more than the dev team. No one has ever superseded the handbook to search a house. EVER.
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