Well, I promised I'd keep this short after seeing people have some deep o7's but oh well
Thank you to everyone who gave me a shot on the APD and the Staff Team, I'm truly appreciative of both opportunities I've been afforded here and made some solid friends and learned a lot from so many people. I enjoyed volunteering my time here and trying to keep everyone enjoying theirs as well.
@Messy my boy got me started here, my #1
@Winters one of the best lads around this place. I've learned a lot from you and you got strong dedication that will take you far. The early morning weekend grinds won't be the same and its the end of an era. Honestly one of the greatest people I've met here and been able to hang out with.
@Luke Duke and @bo duke the duke boys, had some great time playing with both of you and you guys brought me up on the APD, which im forever grateful for.
@destruct @Hylos thanks for dealing with me on the staff side and answering my 1000 questions and just being the lads
@Zeuse @1thedoc @Dank MeeMoo goodbye my rats and anyone other guys
@thor keep grinding, you're going to go far, just don't burn yourself out. Also invite Winters to SFA m8
@ThatNerdyGuy someone who should have been a Dep Chief before me, however the last few months we've been putting in work not only APD side but Staff side. Keep the shittage's coming and I enjoy our conversations and playing man.
@Kedar rat had some very fun times playing with you, keep whipping the support team into shape
@Mr GOAT I learned a great amount from you on running the APD and the APD is in a very solid place, the cards are stacked. Thanks for the opportunity to stick around while I could.
@Crenshaw FTO's together and we had a good ride. Take care bro and be easy
@Hurricane I've had some fun times man, keep grinding and doing you and remember to have fun
@Headless the GRIND IS REAL - do you and keep pushing
@Claysive came up on medic learning from you, I know we haven't spoke a lot lately, but you're a solid dude and I wish you the best
The list is deep, but here are some honorable mentions that I can remember with my old man brain @Cooper:P @Sho-Time @Status Update @Cyanide @CocoisDead @Fraali @Noodles:D @Millennium @Sandman @hawk @Brolaf @Mita @Greenbum @Slumberjack and so many others.
Again I want to thank everyone for making my experience here an awesome one and most of ya'll are awesome people. The time has come to move on and further my career, so I wish everyone the best.