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Everything posted by indian

  1. agreed. it’s whatever though. I guess war kills will be the new stat to look at.
  2. we can’t forget #RyanForSrAdmin cmon now. I better have expedited comp requests from now on @Ryan
  3. leave me alone lmao I’m too tired for this shit
  4. its some kid promoting his shit server by messaging everyone in the olympus discord.

    1. NexIV


      I cant see videos rn for some reason. But I know you. Good tage! 


    2. indian



    3. NexIV
  6. we haven’t been getting warpoints for the last month and a half and probably won’t be actually fixed for another couple weeks because for whatever reason, the servers hold back important hot fixes for just including them in major updates.
  7. indian

    WTS cop gear

    I’ll take 10 ghosthawks please Do you sell deputy tests as well?
  8. take ninja out of your profile picture right now
  9. Not only did you miscomprehend @Gregbot‘s comment but you do realize that the reason you fail these feds is because you have 13 people, right? not to mention, have no clue what gang you are in so skill level has to play a factor as well. maybe you should
  10. cya later monster, dissapointed in no @ u mongol
  11. For everyone that isn’t aware, this man is a furry.
  12. lol stupid idiot moron

  13. indian


    nooooooo don’t leave us
  14. o7 was fun playing with you, thanks for saving me at that fed and taking the meatshielding ban for me lmao. wish you the best of luck with future endeavours.
  15. List houses that can be used for processing meth.
  16. singing @bdj a birthday song 8:30pm est in vital ts all are welcome

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Energyyy


      No one cares for your ip retards 

    3. Lukeee
    4. Lukeee


      diaper man

      diaper man

  17. @P a g e #FreeCasper your status update disappeared, how many?

    1. indian


      but how many team players are there @P a g e #FreeCasper

    2. Page


      we have about 6

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