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Everything posted by Strikke

  1. Good night sweetie. Sleep tight
  2. To bad @Danger isnt an admin
  3. 1. Staff follow the rules. you broke it. now you are banned 2. Sure more devs +1 3. Only @Hadi Mokdad bans everyone so nothing wrong here 4. Crying on the forums about getting banned just makes everyone laugh at you. The staff wont be like "oh shit he posted about his ban on the forums, gotta do it fast before someone sees it"... wait for your turn with the ticket system.....
  4. bruh.... your screen goes fuzzy and dark + you cant move and fall to the ground................ if you were in a vehicle your screen still gets fucked
  5. Waiting in support for you on my recent ban, would like to talk

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Omg strikke shut your ugly face kiddo

    3. -dante-


      If I was danger, I’d definitely not unban your whiny ass now. Retard. 

    4. Strikke


      6 hours ago, KGB JOSH said:

      Omg strikke shut your ugly face kiddo

      kys <3

      53 minutes ago, Dante said:

      If I was danger, I’d definitely not unban your whiny ass now. Retard. 

      Dante u big dumb retard to but is oke <3

  6. tfw your car despawns 50m away from you at salt flats right after you got out of it. :)

    1. -dante-
    2. codeYeTi


      Yea this legit happens all the time. Pro tip: bring an extra water bottle to stick in your car to counter that PoS script (sorry, but it is. Intention was good. execution was bad.)

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Glad to see our anti Norwegian/Swefag script still works

  7. Yall have some more of dem discords? kek
  8. Been falsed ban twice now but yeah great server xD ngl its fun but i keep getting banned for nothing and im confused about it everytime waking up seeing the ban message like bruh what I do wrong

    1. CocoisDead


      cause you are a Norwegian 

  9. Its more than 15 min past the staff meeting so we are legally allowed to leave.

    1. Millennium


      Every highschoolers dreams

  10. So your CPU has 4 cores and 8 Threads (kinda like processors ye). Dont get cought up in this to much as for most games you dont need really high core counts as long as the few cores you have are fast and good (the CPU you have isnt the best but it will probably do just fine for gaming and other office tasks etc.. but dont expect to have the best of the best computer) Most games only use one or two cores to "fully" to run the game and this is a inefficient way of running the game (arma is the king of single core usage)(Single core usage does not mean that all the cores/threads arent being used however the main parts only gets run on one or two cores and everything else gets spread out) Your GPU is good. all i have to say
  11. When you use a GPU like the 1660 ti the intel integrated graphics automatically turn of btw. And yes Arma prefers single core performance CPUs way more than GPU or anything else.
  12. Bro thats why you PM one of the online RNR members and not dispatch them. ez
  13. Hmm. Maybe one day i will logon and just sit in my house and wait for people to die in the chat and then wait like 10-20 sec and PM a rnr member online to deny them. Sounds like a lot of fun.
  14. I think you've forgot that the Dispatch system makes most medics do this: "meh he is getting denied" *hits 4 and denies person* "well that was some good work right there, time to move on".
  15. Just call your dog dog. ez or mabye Greg just for the lols when people ask
  16. Yup, especially the Apple app store. This shit is both expensive and it takes forever to get your app approved. Google Play is a lot better but still kinda cancer. TL:DR not worth it to go through this process for such a simple app.
  17. wE ShoULD let hACkerS plAY oN THE SerVEr
    1. You are actually dumb af, you about to ban me for 3 days for a reason i dont even know why... Your dumb ass cost me a friend i met in game, the chillest person (unlike yo dumb ass)  and i didnt even add him on steam yet cause i didnt expect to get randomly banned and maybe never see the dude again... Well i hope you break your leg while you're going down the stairs one day cause you def ruined both our fun...  he was relying on me too he was poor :( 
  18. lil bitch egg guy o7
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