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Everything posted by Strikke

  1. Yea fuck rebels. all they do is go around robbing, killing, ability to make shit tons of money if they care enough (Cats) and then complaining about everything. we should remove them. (this might be a joke but damn this post is true. this is exactly how cartel people treat vigis)
  2. i mean this is totally fair because "civs are to OP"
  3. Bojo is right you know
  4. kys

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      49 minutes ago, KGB JOSH said:

      Thats not how yoo spell "you" smh

      That’s not how you spell “you” smh

    3. Ryan


      8 minutes ago, Bongo Bongo Bongo said:

      That’s not how yoo spell “you” smh

      That’s not how you spell “you” smh


    4. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      3 hours ago, Ryan said:

      That’s not how yoo spell “you” smh

      That’s not how to spell “you” smh

  5. Just an FYI. Staff members aren't required to use TS for every case and in almost 99% of all ban appeals the situation gets resolved quite peacefully through the ticket system without much fuzz. If you for example got banned for really blatant RDM where explaining simply what you did wrong/just showing the video is way more than enough to show why you got banned. For the cases where a staff member feel like more explanation is required and the easiest way to resolve the ban appeal is to talk to the person in TS they will then reply to your ticket telling you to wait in TS for them. The staff ban probably around 150-200 people a month (mabye as much as 300 for "good" months) so having to go through and spend 5-10 min per person would take forever so after a while as a staff member you try to avoid talking to people as much as possible to save as much time (trust me every staff member does this at some point including me). Also sometimes you just wanna play and dont think about staff stuff for a few hours. Staff saying they dont have time because irl is stupid, they all just sit in TS and wank btw.
  6. "Vanilla" Altis life with "Vanilla" server rules or riot

  7. Hes right you know?
  8. @Ares you still havent shagged my dad

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest
    3. Strikke


      29 minutes ago, Ares said:

      Thats what you think atleast. 


    4. MAV


      Ares is your dad

  9. Having more than two or three sr.support is useless, change my mind. :Kappa:

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Exactly that’s what I expect which is useless so should just be removed 

    3. hawk


      Just now, Caleb Snackbar said:

      Exactly that’s what I expect which is useless so should just be removed 

      So simply because it can't help you, it should be removed?

  10. Get older
  11. Ill sell you a overly used toothbrush and a half eaten doughnut for 1m
  12. @Bojo likes men :) 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CocoisDead


      gotta post something people dont know already @Strikke

    3. Strikke


      What? like the fact that you are a trap? @CocoisDead :Kappa::wub:

    4. SPBojo


      Strikke, we talked about this, just because i like you dosnt mean i like all men! Come on!!

  13. Not understanding a complaint about highlighting the comment about Complaining about a comment about a complaint about someone disliking your arma 3 forum rep doesnt do anything except make you look like a too-much-time- on ur hands chump
  14. Complaining about highlighting the comment about Complaining about a comment about a complaint about someone disliking your arma 3 forum rep doesnt do anything except make you look like a too-much-time- on ur hands chump
  15. Complaining about a comment about a complaint about someone disliking your arma 3 forum rep doesnt do anything except make you look like a too-much-time- on ur hands chump
  16. Complaining about someone disliking your arma 3 forum rep doesnt do anything except make you look like a too-much-time- on ur hands chump
  17. Dont worry, hes just a stupid swede Hva kaller man et geni i sverige? ...Turist
  18. If only you were still Tree... dont want to give you money now.
  19. I can finally be toxic.. im out

  20. Or you can go to https://myspace.com
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