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Status Replies posted by Ronin

  1. been seeing a lot more people on here, is it worth coming back or is it still as toxic as before?

  2. Dont you just love it when youve been playing on S2 for the past 3 hours just to log S1 and get insta permd cuz highly functional server 🤟


    1. Ronin


      imagine still playing this dogshit game spbojo!

      quit u wrinkly old fuck!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. what was that one kids name that was on house arrest for stabbing someone? he was like german or something and did that weird ass anime voice and made those overedited ass montages and was in like 50 gangs?

  4. what was that one kids name that was on house arrest for stabbing someone? he was like german or something and did that weird ass anime voice and made those overedited ass montages and was in like 50 gangs?

  5. what was that one kids name that was on house arrest for stabbing someone? he was like german or something and did that weird ass anime voice and made those overedited ass montages and was in like 50 gangs?

    1. Ronin


      we literally can't remember his name someone help us

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. good lord you guys are STILL here?

  7. damn @ikiled im off restrictions now, i thought i wasnt able to play on the server again nor be able to see the forums :thinking:

  8. I think I'm doing something wrong with my life. I literally can't fucking do anything right in this tax accounting class to save my fucking life. Why the fuck am I even tryna be an accountant? Like, fuck school. I hate online classes so fucking much. Boutta off myself forreal.

    1. Ronin


      Online tutoring is relatively expensive, especially if you're really trying to get the most out of it.

      Find an IRL tutor.  Most campuses offer free tutoring as well, and if you find someone you like you can book them privately.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  9. I think I'm doing something wrong with my life. I literally can't fucking do anything right in this tax accounting class to save my fucking life. Why the fuck am I even tryna be an accountant? Like, fuck school. I hate online classes so fucking much. Boutta off myself forreal.

    1. Ronin


      you have to be a special type of person to pursue a CPA.

      really, I don't see how any of that shit is enjoyable.  took 2 classes and that was enough for me.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  10. I think I'm doing something wrong with my life. I literally can't fucking do anything right in this tax accounting class to save my fucking life. Why the fuck am I even tryna be an accountant? Like, fuck school. I hate online classes so fucking much. Boutta off myself forreal.

    1. Ronin


      I feel you, accounting sucks ass.

      chegg is your friend

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  11. Great Staff lmao


    1. Ronin


      Fake Grandma gets his anal cavity checked by TSA

      don't mind that retard

    2. (See 58 other replies to this status update)

  12. @Secret Agent you gotta stop biting people's shit my dude...

    https://imgur.com/a/OhGi0Ix shown to you Dec. 5th


    1. Ronin


      @kirby3701 because something like this can easily be misconstrued.   instead, creepy asked himself how can he bring attention onto himself?

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  13. @Secret Agent you gotta stop biting people's shit my dude...

    https://imgur.com/a/OhGi0Ix shown to you Dec. 5th


  14. Actually curious if y’all are just talking shit or if cops are actually trying to prevent feds from actually happening. 

    1. Ronin


      easy money for those who can lethal... lol


    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  15. I know most of y'all don't watch pro wrestling but, All Elite Wrestling's Dynamite was fucking amazing. I can't wait for next Wednesday night.

    1. Ronin


      something something in 1998 undertaker throwing mankind off hell in a cell, plummeting 16 feet through an announcer's table



    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. server 1 is unplayable, it's so fucking laggy

    1. Ronin


      @Civak prob bc kavala tbh

      still, unusual as it didn't happen yesterday or behave like this the X amount of hrs I played this server.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. server 1 is unplayable, it's so fucking laggy

    1. Ronin


      @Civak are you trolling, because I have been on for the past hr and our character models are having epilepsy.

      shooting a mk-1 had a delay between each shot while in full auto.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hotfix #1 is live. This will hopefully fix server performance, but it'll be hard to tell until we have high pop.

    If this doesn't work, we have a few other things to try.

  19. people getting 3d/14d for duping full kits, @Hannibal.H gets permed for duping an ak and pilot helm.

    1. Ronin


      no no without a doubt we did.  however hannibal duped a minuscule amount in comparison to these 3d/14d kiddos.  he didn't put up a fight however because he'd like to stay off this game.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. people getting 3d/14d for duping full kits, @Hannibal.H gets permed for duping an ak and pilot helm.

  21. people getting 3d/14d for duping full kits, @Hannibal.H gets permed for duping an ak and pilot helm.

    1. Ronin


      I don't think I ever did want to try cocaine either, but that's what this game is

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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