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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Elements

  1. Fuck the police! Comin' straight from the underground
    A young nigga got it bad ‘cause I'm brown
    And not the other color, so police think
    They have the authority to kill a minority

  2. i dont play the game 24/7 and buy cheats like killerdaniel and lil tecca. but keep bragging about how sick your faction is when they arnt gonna get top 3
  3. anyone a high rank on siege and wanna play

  4. get off the fricken game and do your homework

  5. can we have free mk18 and mk1 loudouts

  6. god i cant wait to beat that stupid gang call synergy

    can i get a frick them on 3

    1. Toasty


      frig off no one cares u greasy neck roll

  7. whats the point of having a chief that doesn't follow the handbook.

    I swear he is the one who rights it.

    if he cant follow his rules then im sure he can follow oly rules, lets give him mod!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Strae


      I'm going to go right some handbook rules brb

    3. Vcx


      52 minutes ago, Elements said:

      and you are prob the worst chief to ever be on the server no lie

      You're not capping about that 

    4. -dante-


      2 hours ago, Toasty said:

      rights it


  8. did searching contraband get slower

  9. lil tecca album sucks pp

    1. Lukeee


      No hat brother

    2. Jester


      The new songs all sound the same

  10. 19k active players


  11. plays tv hasnt been recording for the past 2 weeks or so and i have lost multiple gang wipes on sy

    what is good for recording

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Titimus


      Obs replay buffer 

    3. codeYeTi


      OBS replay buffer with nvenc if you have Nvidia card.

      the AMD encoder works but it’s kinda shite so I’d just use CPU encoding x264 with those cards unless you wanna run like 8000bps+.

      but yea OBS replay buffer = super reliable and super awesome.

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Literally everything that isn't plays.tv.  Like I'm talking dogshit cpu destroying Fraps level of programs I'd use before ever going to plays.

      I dislike plays.tv btw

  12. @an overweight giant retard tbh you ruin the server ngl smile

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr GOAT
    3. EatMeth


      5 minutes ago, Elements said:

      doing runs in 2019

      its like giving you staff, there is no point, it doesnt help anyone, but you just do it cause you can

      Complaining on a cops and robbers server in 2019

    4. JuanDeaged


      maaannnnn I just wanted to $ to fight and I'm getting cock blocked thats fucked up

  13. last time i was on i had 25 mil now i have 1 mil os can you send me my 24 mil 76561198449986608

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jaster


      gambling addition

    3. DABESTeva


      9 hours ago, Jaster said:

      gambling addition


    4. Jaster


      @DABESTeva fuck i wrote that half asleep

  14. hi pls approve this post moderator

    this server is too sensitive i will be evacuating myself from it





    goodbye post v7

    1. Super_Nova
    2. EatMeth


      Didn't say retard enough gonna have to remove this now.

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      make sure you put ur goodbye post in the main server information section to get the most attention, preferably right next to the APD handbook and server rules.


  16. @Zurph @MASVIDAL

    next time dont waste my time sending me duel's if u are that bad at pvp

    1. JuanDeaged


      Still wouldn’t accept me lmao. Scared.

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