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This user is on vacation. Response time may be delayed. Vacation to: 10/04/24


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Everything posted by Masonn

  1. o7 @ Fraali  thanks for always helping me with all the questions I've had. Also o7 @ Hurricane gonna miss seeing the reports of you just abusing some random kids

  2. Mk14 classic 10 round iron sights goes crazy.
  3. @ Mako  nice shot man


  4. @ Regal  Happy birthday CEO Of Moderation

    1. Regal


      Thank you Deputy CEO

  5. Happy birthday @ ZeRo

    I heard @ Strafe  has a birthday gift for you

    1. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      Its my penis

  6. Added: Boonie hats to SWAT clothing shop Deck crew vest to warpoint shop for 1wp Map Stratis Added "Airbase Holdout" sector Bottom rebel spawn for Kamino Klash and Airstation Mike-26 will spawn players on the side facing the zone with the car pull Tanoa Added "Bua Bua" sector Altis Additional capture point to 3 point sectors (Sofia, Ghost Hotel, Kavala) Sarahni Added "City of Paraiso" sector Changed: Reduced T4 vest from 7wp -> 5wp Conquest capture HUD shows different icon when hotzone is active Conquest capture HUD uses green for friendly instead of blue Remaining Altis 3 point sectors to 4 point sectors Slight increase to 5.56/5.8/6.5 suppressor prices 5.56 Suppressors 45WP -> 50WP 5.8 Suppressors 55WP -> 65WP 6.5 Suppressors 70WP -> 80WP Reduced chance for a 6.5 Suppressor to spawn in an Airdrop from 25% -> 10% Fixed: Conquest HUD no longer sticks between sectors Vehicle airdrop vehicles should no longer be broken Missing gang texture error popup Map Rebel orders fixed for Altis Nifi Chernarus Berenhino Bloodbath, Malden La Trinte Removed: Killstreak for players utilizing suppressors 7.62 Suppressors from Airdrops
  7. Quite funny how you're both so dense thinking I banned someone for calling another person fat.
  8. Yeah. Sick signature btw real achievement for you.
  9. You seem pretty pressed for someone who doesn't care if they get banned.
  10. @ Maddox happy birthday friend!

  11. Congrats @ Noble  3811083f97ff0f3f865b29371a85ca38.png


    Also congrats @ Caden

  12. Happy Birthday big K @ hawk

    1. hawk


      Wow thanks man we haven't talked in years!

  13. @ Jerrod  back when you were a reformed citizen 😞

  14. Add: Experimental tweaks to potentially mitigate network lag at the beginning of conquest - please consider manually downloading the mission file too Functionality for admins to change max points (for r3s) Some gang textures Vehicle engines turn off when dismounting Anti-explosion script for vehicles: vehicles with drivers should no longer explode to non projectile damage Change: Updated texture rotation from live server Group cap cooldown reduced from 5 minutes to 1 Vehicle despawn script changes Virtual items inside a vehicle no longer prevents despawn (looking at you .50 abusers >_>) Decreased cooldown to 45s from 1m (practical despawn time 2m->1:30 if nobody touches the vehicle or is near it) Decreased range from 10m to 8m Note: vehicles were staying alive significantly longer than expected and causing lag; remember that you can always mark an active vehicle to prevent despawn Can now remove items from inventory while in vehicles Can now pull vehicles from both SWAT and Civ NPCs RPG pricing Tube increased to 150 wp Rocket price increased to 15 wp Map Altis Added 4th flag to Syrta (4k point cap) Added 4th flag to Panigia (4k point cap) Depending on how these play, other 3 caps might be upgraded to 4/5s Winter Chernarus Service stations has a repair crane next to them so you are able to see where they are Additional rebel added to "Balota Blitz" Takistan "Feruz Firefight" reworked zone "Hell's Highway" reworked zone "Manara Airfield" reworked zone Fixed service stations Sarahni Changed Bravo south shore church so you can run in instead of getting caught floating trying to jump Kujari Fixed some vehicles not spawning in the right place when pulling from flag Kujari safe redeploy sign to rebels Afofo has additional rebel pulls Removed knockable walls close to caps (150M from center point) Moved top rebel for Marwey Airfield closer to points on the left hand side Malden Moved "Chapoi's" southern rebel closer to points Stratis Fixed floating crate on factory point Fix: Not being able to drop illegal items near SWAT Despawn script taking too long when deleting many vehicles (obvious on more populated conquests) Remove: Some gang textures Role/server switch cooldowns Senior staff shop discounts Please consider downloading the mission files from the google drive manually. You can find instructions on the wiki: https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Conquest#Conquest_Mission_Download_Instructions If you find any issues please submit a bug report under the support section.
  15. I think generally it works but when the server starts dying it dies along with it
  16. Masonn


    surely more than that
  17. Masonn


    It's insane Noble isn't removed yet tbh
  18. Happy birthday @ Mike Lit

    1. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      Thanks Masooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.

    1. Bushz


      Lol still can't believe I didn't see ya there

    2. SPBojo


      Nothing to see here 

  19. keeping all the good ones to himself smh
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