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Posts posted by Jerrod

  1. 7 hours ago, Cale said:

    Arma is boring to me now and just don't feel like playing anymore, its been fun over the years but my time has come to an end.

    @Jig congrats and if u ever want to play a game some time hmu, always enjoyed my time with you playing different games and cop/civ

    @billdroid @JuanDeaged @G F @swervy @buckie some of the most fun I've had was with you guys either in plague or messing around on cop

    @Hurricane @Strae @CocoisDead again has been really fun playing cop and civ with you guys

    @Madnesss @Silton @washed you guys made arma bearable in the past month and genuinely brightened up my days when we would play

    @WALT @Tapatio thanks for brining me into the cartel scene and teaching me the ropes, again some of my best laughs were with you guys and @Jerrod & @MarveL

    @WavyTy @MBPslyr @ZHS-62 you guys brought me into my first "real" gang and really got me into arma, thanks for that (#FREE @ZHS-62)

    @GoonThe13Yearold @Jerrod @Masoooooooooon squeaker squad on top

    @thor best Foxtrot LT to this date

    Thanks to everyone else that I didn't @ or forgot to, it was a fun time on this server and I hope you all go on to do great things




    Love you bro, had great times and def would want to play some time in the future

    GOD Bless

    • Like 1

    26 minutes ago, gay dave said:

    yo i pretty much have the same specs, are you playing at 1080p?
    what view distance are you using? I use 1200 on foot and have around 90-100. If you have it jacked up could be why otherwise there's something seriously wrong with your pc.


    yeah I play on like 900 view distance and still get drops when I shoot, pc's probably smoked

  3. Specs:

    RTX 2080

    16 GB HyperX DDR4 RAM

    237 GB SSD

    2TB HDD

    500W Bronze power supply (LOL)

    I use to get great performance on caps and my fps would remain at around 50-55 frames, but now when I fight cartels and ESPECIALLY conquest my frames will drop to below 35 and at the highest 40-45, and it seems to get the LOWEST when I shoot at people close to me. Plz give me tips on how I can help my performance cuz I see everyone else going around with the smoothest gameplay ever during caps and everything else, and I just want that back ;(

  4. 12 hours ago, Panda 🙂 said:

    Homie in the past few months I lost more money in stocks than you have made in 5 years and I'm not trippin about a penny of it.

    so you're just admitting to taking an L? and show some fuckin screenshots to prove that LOL don't believe that for a sec you spent the entire year sucking senior staffs dick

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  5. 6 hours ago, m o n s t e r said:

    dude such an epic player, you tazed me, after epi'ing me!!!!!! you're so good, how do you get so good, teach me please

    thanx for the 20 mil for rank 3

    5 hours ago, Greezy Gabe said:

    that why you couldn't even spell  foreigner out you had say writing this dumb little ape

    and no its just ez putting 4ner you little dip shit and it throws you little fucks off 

    ur life is the only sad thing to little 4ner 

    they're so braindead that they can't put 2 and 2 together and realize what the fuck something means LOL

    • Downvote 2
  6. Just now, Panda 🙂 said:

    Bro if I wanted gabe re-banned  he would have already been banned I literally had the opportunity to reban gabe but I didn't kid.

    kid you don't live in a trap you can tell by the back ground.

    That video is like 6 years old, and that was still in the hood. And where did I ever say that I live in a trap? You kids just spout off bullshit fr

    1 minute ago, Panda 🙂 said:

    Bro if I wanted gabe re-banned  he would have already been banned I literally had the opportunity to reban gabe but I didn't kid.

    kid you don't live in a trap you can tell by the back ground.

    Not fixing to argue with some dickrider who thinks he knows shit but he doesn’t.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Panda 🙂 said:

    I dont care what kids say about me because kids that main arma are just like you little meat balls that take the game too seriously you eat sleep and breathe arma its fucking weird.

    I don't care who likes me and who doesn't Its like water rolling off my skin kid we are not the same.

    I have rarely even been on Arma recently. I bet you probably have 150+ hours in the past 2 weeks on Arma. And I don’t think your little pea brain can figure out that I don’t give a fuck if people don’t like me on this sever either. I am sitting here shit talking 3 of you kids and your insults don’t even get to me. You kids are pathetic and this would’ve probably all been avoided If you just left me and Gabe the fuck alone and stopped trying to get us re permed. We literally did not talk any shit until you guys decided to start shit and bring up his mom 24/7 because that’s all you little rats can do. Keep being our biggest fans

    2 minutes ago, Panda 🙂 said:

    Kid you live in  a suburb 

    I do?

    2 minutes ago, Panda 🙂 said:

    Kid you live in  a suburb 

    Again, saying straight bullshit cuz you don’t even know where I live. Check out North Chesterfield/Petersburg, Va and let’s really see if that’s a suburb dumb fuck, go epically fail another gang wars, rent-an-admin

    Thank you for adding this @Grandma Gary, we can finally express how we feel about certain staff without them banning us from the forums and deleting the post 

    • Downvote 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Panda 🙂 said:

    You think you are some gang banger there is no point talking to you.

    You are arguing about relevence in Arma 3 get a fucking grip dude I mean I could argue people knew me then but Its arma 3 kid I couldnt care less if people knew me

    I’m pretty sure your definition of Someone “acting like a gang banger” is them just being a man and not being a little square and taking shit from a rent-an-admin like you.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Panda 🙂 said:

    You think you are some gang banger there is no point talking to you.

    You are arguing about relevence in Arma 3 get a fucking grip dude I mean I could argue people knew me then but Its arma 3 kid I couldnt care less if people knew me

    When have I ever said I was a gang banger or acted like it? You don’t even know what a real gang banger is cuz you throw that insult around and you have been wrong almost every time. 

    I could care less if people knew you or not, just extra fuel to the roast, but you missed the fact that I was saying that no one LIKES YOU... not about your relevance. And I know that it hurts your little heart when an Arma kid has an issue with you.

    5 minutes ago, Panda 🙂 said:

    You think you are some gang banger there is no point talking to you.

    You are arguing about relevence in Arma 3 get a fucking grip dude I mean I could argue people knew me then but Its arma 3 kid I couldnt care less if people knew me

    If you want to find some fake gang bangers go to @buckie. I am a white kid from the hood, but I don’t false claim or “act like a gang banger”. That’s more your style queer

  10. 1 minute ago, Panda 🙂 said:


    Gets roasted so brings up something from over a year ago LOL. Got anything new besides “I begged to be unbanned” “I’m 400 pounds” and that cringe ass application?

    3 minutes ago, Panda 🙂 said:


    My biggest fans still can’t come up with something creative to throw at me

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