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Ben Shapiro

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Ben Shapiro last won the day on June 7 2023

Ben Shapiro had the most liked content!

About Ben Shapiro

  • Birthday 07/30/2003

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Citizen (3/7)



  1. okay so I'm on the server right now and apparently they removed passenger seating?? this is fucking ridiculous. Thanks olympus admins @ maxg @ Classy @ Fraali  @ Lea

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ben Shapiro

      Ben Shapiro

      @ JDC this is shocking information

    3. Lea


      How'd you know it was really me that got the change made... Life alert got tired of picking me up after falling down... 🤣🤣

    4. doubleueyeceekay


      I know an exploit to get around the passenger seat fix but the admins are oppressing me

  2. @ Fraali can you unban me real quick i need to pay my house taxes

  3. @ Fraali  I think you accidentally denied my ban appeal haha

    1. genesis


      free the swag boss

    2. Daniel_-
    3. Frato


      too powerful for the server they have to keep you in chains

  4. yo can i get my corporal back @ nicole
  5. This has been bugging me for a long time but I think I should finally come clean. In march of 2019 I lied to the senior apd about my age to gain illicit entry into the apd. I am very sorry. God I feel a weight coming off my chest just talking about it @ Pancake i fucking hate you so much

    1. Pancake


      this guy cheated btw 

  6. I have geolocated the server box for Olympus Entertainment servers. Ballistic missile will be launched 9/18/2024 1500 Zulu time. @ WALT  @ Fraali @ Mako

    Respond to my ransom demands immediately.

  7. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. 🕊️ Think of it like a 500m ifrit rip 🇵🇸 @ monster @ silton @ Fraali


  8. @ nem0 i fuicking hate you so much i cant even describe i feel it in my skin i hate you so much michael.

  9. RANDOMS BEEFING woo back wednesday solos ALL noobs @ katheeri

    1. Ben Shapiro

      Ben Shapiro

      can i get my tags back

    2. katheeri



  10. @ Metro Boomin You're a pussy and don't know how to act. I've bet you've never even held ten thousand dollars LOL come to pittsburgh buddy if you're man enough to face me

    @ nomadox @ thomaslorddd happy birthday!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Metro Boomin

      Metro Boomin

      @ Jungle Boys spoken like someone who has never held 10 grand. Pooron.

    3. Ben Shapiro

      Ben Shapiro

      @ Jungle Boys talk to me when you can come close to even a fraction of my wealth little boy https://gyazo.com/82e843b15b25cda191be8a7f755c6d5a

    4. Jungle Boys

      Jungle Boys

      you two are funny as fuck 

  11. Wow! I don't care dumbass.
  12. Top 5 arma players with most aura

    #5 mr swag boss (prime)

    #4 Big John (bloodlusted)

    #3 @ hawkg

    #2 raptor249

    #1 @ Scribble

    Honorable mention: @ monster

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ben Shapiro
    3. -dante-


      Not gonna name drop but there’s at least one former senior medic…..

    4. Ben Shapiro

      Ben Shapiro

      ill consider him for a part 2

  13. mewing right now who up

  14. you can take the man out of arma but you can't take arma out of the man

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