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Everything posted by lvy

  1. @GoonThe13Yearold You prove yourself once again you fucking rat, here:  🧀

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. lvy


      Oh and @Ghostshot , the mass downvote on not only my post but the replies? You’re a literal child lol. 

    3. ItsRaineMF
    4. vedalkenn


      Goons the only true gamer on olympus

  2. I want to buy all sting and mx tasers. I mainly want stings but I will buy the mx too.
  3. pink -


    also @Grandma Gary , these are the pink csats 

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I know what they look like I just don't know what they're called =P

      The ones I gave you are much better ^_^

    2. Kedar
  4. They really gave us only 2 skins for the strider. smh... wheres my pink, red, neon green? 

    1. SPBojo


      If only u were nicer to medics the strider would have 10000 skins 😢

  5. admins dealin with the 80 comp requests like: 
    Spongebob Panic GIFs | Tenor

  6. how deputies be lookin on their first day
    Who's your favori Character to win in a Reality Show? - Bob l'éponge -  fanpop

  7. I wasn’t referring to Silla because we have our reasons on not warring them( it’s off and on tbh) Also Noble is 2x the size of Silla so don’t get it twisted. What I meant was smaller gangs ( not Silla ) might not war Noble because of how big they are. You may have houses on both but I highly doubt people have houses on both and it depends on what type of houses we are talking about. A lot of people have their gear houses and houses for runs on one server ( 1 or 2 ). And let’s not forgot the gangs with sheds on server 2.
  8. This is my take on it: -The reason there has been new players in the past day is because the game went on sale on Steam. - I feel bad for S2 players not being able to access their houses/sheds. I would complain too if I couldn’t get on my main server. - I personally thought the server temporarily shut down was because cartel players and cops wanted more people however, I actually don’t mind many cops being on because it’s more motivating to do a BW/fed and obvi scatting in kav. - As for the medics, literally cannot stand medics at all. Annoying but it’s all we got so... - For Wars.... come on, you’re apart of N which is a big gang that might scare smaller gangs which is why they may not accept wars.
  9.  ⚠️ Arma is on sale for 8$. The DLCs also are on sale so I recommend getting them if you don't have it. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Monks


      tbh normally all the dlcs are hella expensive when they arent on sale. Also when you pirate them you cant even use the maps or missions or shit. It just makes it so an ad doesnt pop up on my crosshair mid fight asking for me to buy apex lol

    3. billdroid


      Why spend money on that shit

    4. lvy


      @billdroid billy billy billy..... 

  10. i  fuckin hate medics:


    1. lvy


      noo not you @SPBojo 🙂 

    2. Noahhh!
    3. Gaetano


      sheesh id be avoiding reving u knowing u smell like dog meat

  11. If you have an illegal gun or are wanted and sAPD are on, literally NEVER go to your important/ gear houses everrr. I have Kavala houses getting raided all the time because they are fighting houses but never my gear houses.
  12. olympus at 3am has a different breed of people

  13. good times right? @Mr GOAT 



    1. Monks
    2. monster


      mans only had a type tho, best thing you got was the lvl 5 vest lmao.

    3. lvy
  14. i meannnn, you aint wrong there
  15. deputies sweating over a 50k bounty, nothings new 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monks


      I had a dep arrest a guy bc he shift t'ed a guy and got a $500 dollar assault charge. Whats even better is that his name rhymes with olen...

    3. Millennium


      not as bad as Deputy/PO Cosmo

    4. Scribble


      I think we need deputy cosma back in the force 

  16. the fact that this @ivy guy wanted me to pay for the name to have on the forums actually makes me mad lmaoo. he often comes back here to see if i still wanna buy it. smh

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lvy


      @Dealer    lmaooo frfr last april he bitched about getting the name back only to go back to being inactive. 

    3. ivy
    4. lvy
  17. fuck pinapple pizza and bologna

    1. Noahhh!


      If she don't like Pineapple on pizza, she belong to the streets.

    2. Monks


      The female has said something smart.

    3. lvy


      @Monks excaclty.
      @Noahhh! cooked burnt fruit doesn't belong on pizza hahahah

  18. @Tammy happy birthdayyy 🎂🐔

  19. Round 2 when they both had to reload with awkard silence lmaooo
  20. I have a birthday close to Christmas too, it is a different vibe for sure.
  21. HALLOWEEN OR CHRISTMAS VOTE As we all know, next month is Halloween. It will probably be different this year because of virus but it is still coming. After that is yea Thanksgiving but then Christmas. Which one do you like best? The times you get the dress up and get free candy from strangers? or waking up to gifts and family traditions? Many believe Halloween is better since it is less stressful but others enjoy Christmas becuase of its celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and free gifts. Pick a holiday and explain why you like it better.
  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Mita !!!!!

  23. fuck me? fuck u! jk ill see u around bud
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