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milos inflated dev2 ego

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Everything posted by milos inflated dev2 ego

  1. i was once an idiot like you but i played cop for a good bit and i saw how many times we got put into the dirt but the little times they win some fucking retard complains on the forums cops lose 70% of the time i think you are just horrible at the game
  2. they have stopped replying because you my friend are a fucking spastic cops arent op they 89% have t2 vests and 6.5m every civ has 7.62 nd t3 fuck you and your keyboard as well as a hole handbook they need to follow
  3. black lives matter remove all weapons from the racist cops and give them megaphones #guncontrol #blacklivesmattertoo
  4. false misconcepotion i got registered when i got my drivers licensse mother fuckinger
  5. you arent ready still in debt 97m to the enterprises
  6. thor rushed me if you didnt get an @ blame him
  7. thors o7-------------------------------------------------- me "thor who you @'ing" thor "noone because i don't like anyone" @SuWooP i hope you drown hatchbacks o7--------------------------------------------------------------------- @Ryan i remember when we was kids and we got off school and hopped on the black ops zombies fun times man we should play again @Jig i leave the enterprises in your name don't ruin it @Dr Pepper dr pebbles @Crenshaw ni- @billdroid i'm coming to new york and expect you to sell me pods even thought i'm only 17 @lvy fuck you @Cale @Strae @buckie @Hurricane @thor @Noodles:D @Greenbum @Millennium @CocoisDead and everyone else who made this game fun o7 still need to make the video of me blowing 7 ghosthawks up and despawning 130m of gear
  8. you've got it all wrong a friend gave me 1m i put 1m on black jack won 2m on roulette won did 5m on blackjack won and 3 10m's on black won them all and then did 4 10m greens and lost it all go big or go home we dont speak broke here at kidscollege enterprises
  9. anyone got netflix shows just finished umbrella academy 

  10. rabid can u fix the mine craft server its down @rabid
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