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Everything posted by TheHeroNoob

  1. This building is pretty cool, just add some shit inside and maybe outside for cover? Nothing crazy, for example salt pro and iron mine are dope af
  2. fat fucking pog Also, do other donor ranks get access to some of the custom Hex Icons? Like Supporter, VIP, MVP, Etc?
  3. lets see it
  4. F
  5. @Ryan What are your plans with Arma 4 and the future of the server once it does eventually come out?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      How are you gonna make plans for arma 4 when it's not even announced??

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      But @Bloodmoon didn't you hear? Lewis made an announcment of an announcment video because they said they where looking "forward" to their next project.


    4. Montez


      >bohemia devs say a word to sound professional
      "FOURWARD? ARMA 4 ANNOUNCED 2020???"

  6. o7
  7. arma
  8. cya
  9. oh trust me, we wanted this #fuckvigis
  10. Does this mean we can now search peoples vehicles if they are wanted for anything since we now have PC to search a vehicle when people are wanted and are driving them or does this just mean the player themselves, even if its just a simple non PC charge on the ticket guide such as driving without headlights? Or do we still need to follow the ticket guide PC when it comes to vehicles?
  11. my gear back
  12. 30K
  13. boooooo
  14. Dufflebag instead of a briefcase when players die @grar21 This bag is skinable, giving options for donor skins, apd/medic skins, etc. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/631660794660257792/678662333379117057/unknown.png this has some really dope potential
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