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Everything posted by eknjack

  1. true. Id suggest making it so APD can see if theyre new or not, because normally officers go easier on new players anyway. Doubt the broader community would though.
  2. @Venomm about time man congrats 

    1. Venomm


      ty goboom jr. ❤️

    2. eknjack


      dont even know who goboom is ngl, sploding says i remind him of him

  3. smh martin, scummy cunt
  4. Yeah, can agree. @Mason Harrison also a cool monkey ngl
  5. https://gyazo.com/f1da3dc40ea6c91ed8bf7fa4df894ed7 2 crate and garage, both upgraded, offer.
  6. honestly just remove the bank and replace it with local banks - by this I mean 1 bank per spawn city (pygros, kav etc) with low payout but relatively low risk. Maybe make it so you can chose to rob a vault for larger payout (obviously larger risk) or just rob 100k from the counter like with a gas station robbery. Might add some realism and shit
  7. neither was i lol
  8. chief it doesnt take 1k hours on the server to realise whether or not events are boring, man just wants the best for the server
  9. https://gyazo.com/c40b8a38677110817a68b2f11674ffc0
  10. Didn’t you steal like 30 from me yesterday?
  11. I love democracy
  12. you mean spike strips?
  13. @ColbySmith2k happy birthday, mans getting old 

  14. @Noahhh! just permed me and framed @ThatNerdyGuy for it! cancel noah rn

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Linka
    3. eknjack


      @Linka i tried passenger seating you but i could get enough speed hahaha

    4. Venomm


      lmaoo get fucked

  15. Please god no shut it down immediately
  16. Dumb retards
  17. bloodsport never fails to please the men
  18. always knew there was something wrong with this guy https://gyazo.com/4015784a2f4ee053483fb67774695278 @KeithR

    1. Keithr


      Literally stalking me

    2. eknjack


      i just love you that much


  19. Fuck up you wee cunt I’ll blow you up
  20. among us is a terrible game
  21. 700 storage not 700 ingredients tf lol
  22. shut up whore
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