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Status Updates posted by wshd

  1. c6d75596288886820adf799723f2af1c.png

    fat dude tried to steal stunna's candy.... so he upped it😈🤪🤣

  2. considering dropping out of school to play arma, any thoughts?🧐

    1. Noodles:D
    2. syndrome


      honestly the best idea ive ever heard in my life 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

    3. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      @ multiple Olympus gamers

  3. conquest frames are so shit. useless devs animal retards

  4. @ DeadPool you have brain cancer

  5. free munchos!!!! 💯

  6. 5-0 against the community🙈

  7. free catholic boy @ Rise

    1. Rise


      it would be highly appreciated 🙂

  8. great day we are having! love this server!

  9. @ Mako  how  you do your eyeliner?💅 

  10. yo free Rise and sy

  11. no chance i grinded hours of s2 conquest for this dogshit wetsuit https://imgur.com/a/6eWQ7Vv

    1. CocoisDead
    2. silton


      Lead designer that uses gimp ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    3. buckie
  12. while you were purchasing olympus+ I was playing s2 conquest with 13 fps.

  13. @Ryan S2 CONQUEST IS PISS! REMOVE S2🤬 HOST ALL CONQUESTS ON S3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😩

  14. @Ryan close your dogshit s2 and make conquest s3 only

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I just can't believe he broke NLR smh

  15. stop aisan hate

    1. Lucky luciano

      Lucky luciano

      why do they take white shooters in custody but kill black men huh racist

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      @Lucky luciano RT, it's just because it's another white man with a grudge.

  16. washed promoted S.W.A.T Cmdr

  17. @rafaaa emoji of the day is



    1. Rafa


      All from playing half naked on my stomach 

  18. o7  @CocoisDead 😭

    you will be missed🥶😜🐶

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