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Everything posted by evannnn

  1. bring ares back maybe the server will come back 

    1. monster


      Hopefully he'll bring the 2 billion dollars and infinite warpoints for everyone for a few months again.

  2. notice how ryan wasnt @ed
  3. evannnn

    cya boys

    poop backwards is poop
  4. poop backwards is poop

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      If you look even closer poop forwards is also poop =O

  5. why even work on it, its dogshit
  6. evannnn


    bye retard, dont drink urself to death
  7. this american standard tubs ad is really enticing

  8. does anyone here play scoutz knivez on cs source or go

  9. @swervy hey man drop the cod tage already

    you are in faze i know you have the clips

    FaZe sw7

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Monks


      Why r u such a hater @Drippp ?  I haven't done anything to you.

    3. swrvy
    4. billdroid


      Monks if u didn’t hear him he said off the status

  10. @Headless AHAA you close the thread because you are so wrong 

    man you are something else

    type it here if i am wrong please i just want to know how i am wrong

    1. SecTranLive


      Pretty simple, listen to staff or dont play l0l doesn't require much thinking there bud

    2. Linka


      @SecTranLive do you realize how bad that statement looks?

  11. @Headless sry man didnt mean to hurt your feelings 🙂

  12. ahhaha he deleted it again 

  13. why do you keep deleting my shit LMFAO


    @Headless ur clueless man 

  14. @DeadPool hey man so is that disney arma 3 meet up still happening??????

    1. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      i was at orlando studios resort last year and nobody wanted to chill - free drinks and food on me

  15. @Ryan so dono goal doesnt get met that means you have to pay for it right?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. evannnn


      oh its at 46% now, lets see if it can make it to 100

    3. Ryan


      It always does @evannnn 😄 

    4. evannnn



  16. do you get put on restrictions after any perm or only buying money

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vedalkenn


      i got it after cheating


    3. monster


      pretty sure any misconduct/duping/exploiting (only certain situations)/Anything to do with cheating/playing with cheaters results in either an account wipe or restrictions (or both?)

    4. destruct


      Case by case, depends

  17. dude not cool man i didnt say that i said go to bed
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