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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Phizx

  1. Skrt tah skrt tah kodak kodak kodak gang gang gang #unbangang
  2. Like I said, sitting down as a group together and throwing ideas back and forth might be more constructive than shooting us down on the forums. I've been playing since mid-2014 and besides the mistakes I've made in the past I'm ready to come back as many other people might say "reformed". Have us Regicide guys come in and talk to the top 3 dogs, and I can surely say on our behalf that we'll stop bothering staff if the outcome remains the same.
  3. I don't send ban appeals that aren't thought out or have constructive messages. The issue is up until my last ban appeal the person/s looking at the appeal either 1. Didn't take the time to read that message 2. Didn't bother adding anything besides the automatically written denied message
  4. That's like telling a child "if you behave at your first day in preschool daddy will buy you a lamborghini when you grow up!" Can't have hopes when you get this
  5. You know what I find weird with that example? If you walk out of a store and forget to scan just one item, they'll book you for shoplifting. But if the cashier overcharges you and you call them out for it, they don't get arrested for stealing, but they just simply apologize and correct their errors. Idk what relation this has to our bans but that was a recent conversation I was having with a relative
  6. I think if you take a handful of the people banned and take our arguments against yours, we'll get a lot further in understanding and much more civilly. I'd prefer that much more than Ares just denying my ban appeals as soon as he notices it :/
  7. I wouldn't look at ban evading as the worst thing in the world. You can look at it from the staff perspective and say "Wow this guy just doesn't get it..." and ban said person for evading, but then when you take one more step back you might notice something else I haven't ban evaded for a second time since my first ban like 2 months ago, but these people ban evading aren't doing it just because they want to piss you off, they're going out of their way to spend money and time trying to play the community they once spent hours and hours a day on.
  8. Happy Birthday to all my bday twins :D

  9. So you have to have the bait car as well as a police vehicle inside the red zone ? At that point the cop vehicle might as well be the bait car lol
  10. Didn't even shoutout the white cartel. You won't be missed ..:(
  11. @Decimus I was the first and only person to tell you that you sounded like a girl when you first got that new mic in MC, congrats.

    @Fushigi One day , maybe even just one day I will be back for us to break a rule or two together for old times sake, congrats to you too brother .

    I know both of you will do an outstanding job even though I won't be there to see you do it :)

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Life without the possibility of parole sucks, bro.

  12. Our opinions of each other shifted as time went on but I've always had respect for you assface ,o7
  13. So this work-off activity in jail, does it chisel at your prison time or bail price? 

    1. iPopsicle
    2. Phizx


      1 minute ago, Ignis said:


      Peep the "or" >.>

  14. I can post again :DDD

    Thanks @Poseidon

    1. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Did I miss something are you unpermed

    2. Nephew


      unpermed is next 

    3. Snare



  15. I'll put 10mill on Regicide but with Standard Shipping it might take a couple of months to get it to you ... Kappa
  16. To everyone that voted yes to my participation in Gang Wars, you are very much appreciated. Very grateful for the support (:

  17. #FreeYourBoy 

    Looks like I'm sitting out gang wars for the second time 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TheRandomOne


      3 hours ago, Phizx said:


      I don't wanna get restricted for putting some random news team member in the dirt so I'll just agree with your statement (:

      Put someone in the dirt? This is the internet kid, no reason to act tough.

    3. Phizx


      The only time I can remember not fighting OG mushroom is when you rushed to the cartel with 16 people to defend against our 8 , we wouldn't attack with that number differential no matter where it is . You've attacked us 17v7 before and barely won by the last 1-2 guys (not to mention you've lost some of those kind of fights before ).If your reading comprehension was a level above of that of a second grader , I said you are irrelevant to the situation at hand , which means my ban and status update has nothing to do with you, your shit gang , or the shit players in it . Like I said earlier , fuck off. Go back to your daily YouTube videos@ThatNerdyGuy

      And who the fuck was talking to you? @TheRandomOne I'm just curious

    4. TheRandomOne


      With something as entertaining as this I couldnt help but jump in and have some fun

  18. What the fuck are you talking about dude LMFAO If they have enough money to spend, that is. Half of the kids hacking are one and dones like MC at cartels ( @Corporal_moob xd) , doubt they'll do the work to bypass these systems. You've got to remember they aren't much more than poor 15 year olds , they don't all think like you do.
  19. Don't see that working more than 3 times maximum unless there's a product of Hellen Keller and Stevie Wonder playing Olympus.
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