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Status Updates posted by Orgondo

  1. I think we need to continue the Shitter Series @Linka, show everyone that we own the dueltages.

  2. Why the absolute fuck do I keep getting Connection Failed when i try to connect to Olympus (Only having issues with Olympus)

  3. @Corporal_moob and @Rusty have the same bday?? Oh snap

  4. Let the hype begin, good luck to all the gangs today; lets make this GW fucking solid because fuck you Asylum

  5. Roger Roger, Mission steal the DogHawk semi failed; but the sing along was perfect. Shoutout to my sidekick @Matt The Savage

    1. DeadPool


      I was the side kick he was the side bitch

  6. Thanks for the love on the tage, really tried to put a solid ass one out. And if you missed it 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. asdasd123


      You are my biggest fan

    3. Orgondo


      Oh. Idk how i managed that but YAY


  7. First priority should be this texture bug 3 frame horseshit that is so cancerous atm. Unless there's a fix already out there then I apologize; and please give me it, otherwise let's get that resolved.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Phizx


      2 hours ago, 3 Rip said:

      A fix for me sometimes is to change your resolution then change it back

      I've tried it every single time and it doesn't do shit for me... Just resolution or aspect ratio as well?

    3. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      Just res i change mine down to like 1600x900 then back to 2560 x 1440 and it works just about everytime 

    4. BENJI


      Jesse apparently said something about changing the texture files to like PAA or something (@Jesse pls correct if wrong :unsure:), a file that was supposedly coded by Bohemia to make the texture file work and run smoother with Arma 3's engine. Might be a main issue with the texture bugs. But I've definitely seen a connection between the APD split bounty system and texture bugs. Guess we'll see

  8. My little guy is growing up so fast :unsure: Happy Birthday Son, @PlugMeInPlz

    1. PlugMeInPlz


      thanks buddy youre the goat

  9. What in the fuck Dili dude, @Poseidon you better make this one hell of a donation reward now.

  10. Happy Birthday @Adi you beautiful women.

  11. When one of your gangmates goes to a WWE event and reps a Great Tree drawing and it ends up on TV....


    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. sinister_


      What tags do I wear at the end of the day...? Oh that's right Tree, bitches. #4Lyfe

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Lol. Hey I remember the [MC][Tree] days as a fun time. And MoB(Money over BorderlineCringeBitches) was borderline hilarious meme material. All great moments in Olympus history. But gentleman! Let's look at the present. Preferably the TV. 

      Ooooo! What's that? That looks like Members representing a Gang/Organization/Community that they're a part of on a Nationally Broadcasted Show! They're also in the Olympus community? Wow.

       Amazing, how something that was small, and unworthy, and just filled with trolls on a video game back in 2014; has grew into a group of friends that are just god damn proud to dump hours of their time with each other in a video game and in real life. We've been around for awhile and have had many generations of members come and go, but we're still here. A lot of players in this community and even some Staff members were a part of Tree.

      You may cringe, you may cry, you may salt; it doesn't matter. Respect the fact that The Great Tree isn't  just your typical run of the mill "DoCartelzAndRobz" 'gang'. We are not Mannen & Co, where its Me & the Rest of those guys.. We are The Great Tree and that's something we can all equally feel a part of and have just a bit of pride in.



    4. sinister_


      @Matt The Savage You got meme'd extra hard if you thought that was a real gang..... Kids these days

  12. Anyone play on a decently populated modded Rust server pref 3-4x. Me and @Josh122 keep getting perm'd for our KDR

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Orgondo


      Battlefields aren't are thing, the gun fights are easy and don't feel rewarding at all which is expected. We do actually build bases/compounds we just have a strong focus towards the pvp aspect. 

    3. Tb:)


      Play on Rusty 3x weekly wipes or bi weekly wipes, they have a fun player base and hella pvp, there is 150-200 people on everyday at once. ;) GL in the field. 

      NEver mind you got banned there

      I didnt read this

    4. Orgondo
  13. Congrats you cancer fuck @Fuzy

  14. www.twitch.tv.com/shieldedgaming 25 hr Charity Livestream for Extra Life help the kids out!

    1. Snare


      orgondo its www.twitch.tv/shieldedgaming

      not .com

    2. Ventar


      fuckin meatbrain

  15. Happy Bday to the best photographer of children in their undies @xLittleJimmy and my braindead idiot of a friend @Ash


    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. DeadPool


      you can still go to www.olympus-entertainment.com/stats/ to see the page but it wouldnt let me look at my stats

    3. Talindor


      It's not added to the menu , but you can still look at the page. Typically when I work on Web pages on websites, I make them hidden and go live when complete.

  17. Arma only spangles you at the utmost shittiest times. You bring rage, laughter and tears Bohemia; and for that, Fuck You.

  18. So why is the Rebel still bugged with Donator discounts? I still get charged full price every time.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Orgondo


      @Rusty You on that Rust grind now fam?


    3. Rusty


      nah league, but i know you play a lot of rust :)

    4. Orgondo


      Yeah i did for quite awhile, literally got banned off my server though for having a 10.0 KDR



  20. https://www.twitch.tv/shieldedgaming Freaky Friday with @GrandpaSquid!!! Dead By Daylight with friends and @Krisskross himself!

  21. M4A4 Desolate Space Minimal Wears for sale. hmu

  22. Happy Birthday you RDM'ing piece of shit <3 @7oXiC

    1. 7oXiC


      Thanks Orgondo, but admit i am your fav. RDM =) <3


  23. Easily a Top 5 most cancer person in this community gets a sAPD position, ouch.

    1. Orgondo


      Dejay is 10x worse than you sadly.


  24. SS Stop doing Turtles.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Orgondo


      That literally the normal amount you will always steal from those mongoloids. I don't think i've ever heard of them doing a run successfully.

    3. BlackJack
    4. Atonomy


      do they really that's so ewww


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