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Everything posted by Snare

  1. My Prediction's for round one: mc vs M :: vs VX abscence vs complexity -TI- vs voa from here -TI- vs Complexity :: vs M from here :: vs -TI-
  2. i want to be free'd for gang wars so i can bring all the boys back to fight.

    -Rusty  2016

    Free my boy.

    1. SystemChips
    2. Phizx
    3. Rusty


      I need to be unbanned so me and the boys can make this gang wars lit as fuck

  3. I just found out today rusty got banned again.

    Speaking My Mind

    Rusty was one of my mentors. I have a lot of loyalty to the guy.

    Someone was mic spamming like a retard and he said he was going to ddos him. DID HE ACTUALLY DDOS HIM. NO.

    So why is he banned?

    Savage actually did ddos ham.

    Rusty did nothing.

    My opinions

    Guess Admins can make excuses to perm anyone they don't like.

    I know you will remove this post. I know you might give me a strike.

    I dont care. 

    Its stupid that people are banned for the community for dumb reasons. for example 3rip, Symfuhny, rusty once, and now rusty twice.

    a joke is a joke.

    An action is an action.




  4. Rip all these ~ retards.

    And RIP MILES imma miss roasting you.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vincent Jacobs
    3. Snare


      @xrossfire did the post get removed haha someone will have to link it to me on ts

    4. asdasd123


      yeah it got removed 

      there is the YouTube vid and this will comment will probably get removed so watch it before it gets removed lol 

  5. why does nobody fight meth?

    1. orcpoc


      Hard to defend vs ppl who know how to attack it

    2. Pineapple
  6. Most people say i'm to nice so i'm trying to be mean and failing I guess...
  7. OK, maybe I'm getting fed false information
  8. oh i saw some * And DB guys flying around in one a couple times this past week maybe it was a stolen one... Thanks for clarifying post edited
  9. As I've mentioned in multiple posts rather subtly I strongly disapprove of this garbage being added along with thermal goggles (This is all extremely unbalanced.) There's a reason we didn't have them available in the first place. I understand its hard to get them now but it rewards grinding. rewarding grinding is never good in a competitive fps game. I think skill should be awarded at the shooting part of an fps game and all players should be on a somewhat even playing field Are we trying to become archetype 2.0 like hullo? Isn't there already enough grinding to get kitted out as it is?
  10. If I do a blackwater I can get some wall-hack goggles.

    ...guess I can delete this 3rip.exe



  11. Medics may only be killed inside an illegal zone if the following criteria is met, a Medic must be warned to leave the area through either anEMS text, Direct Chat, or Warning Shots before a Medic is killed. (Firing warning shots at a Medic may only be done inside illegal zones.) Thank God. Warning shots. Or has this been in place for a while?
  12. Aye my boy talindor wid the Admin.

  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrOp5jv0zOg

    Fight ive been in l8ly remind me of the fam

    :P he is missed. :P

  14. I don't want weapons better than what we already have it was a good idea but, no.
  15. derek your not 18

    1. Brennan


      You are not the father.

    2. DeNiaL


      You are not the mother.:Kappa:

    3. Orgondo


      Can prove I am the Dad

  16. I'm a little confused about this whole bw weapons factory...

    I feel like if theres a plan to be adding more powerful scopes/weapons what have you it would put a heavy blow on the balances ingame. 

    This has to be thought through carefully because the second I see someone running around with a navid and dms scope is the second im quitting :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      you get a gravity gun

    3. Joel


      National Armory 

    4. DeadPool


      pretty much you become garry with out his admin pannel

  17. congratulations to my boy @Ham

    Finally getting that sergeant that he has deserved for a long time

  18. haha this wasn't 3rip somebody came in olympus ts under his name
  19. Speaking freely http://olympus-entertainment.com/profile/7258-rusty/ 

    I went through this and didn't see anything really toxic.

    That's All Thanks.

  20. Snare


    nobody cares i certaintly dont litrally proud of your reports bud... so sad. not even going to get banned for it cause i never rdm. edit: i watched your retarded little video you were asking to get killed now reporting me for it sounds like baiting a ban to me buddy now get your retarded self off of the forums for all of our sakes. sorry administration didnt mean to go off http://plays.tv/video/57a61768db714d04b6/banning-me-for-spam-would-just-be-stupid-didnt-bother-anybody-with-spam-so-dont-see-anything-wrong-with?from=user theres the video^^^
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