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Luke Duke

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Luke Duke

  1. My apd career in a nutshell
  2. Next Update can you have the lethal money and redgull notifications moved off the center of the screen, its aids when i lethal someond and my crosshair is blocked by the money i got.
  3. Anyone trying to do csgo 10 mans


    1. Vcx


      no i dont want to go anywhere near ferrnando

    2. Revise


      still doing tens?

  4. My my, how the support team has changed. 269dcb2dc9d007bdd47de3403a001bac.png


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ItsGG


      when support team wasnt a meme

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      3 hours ago, Aunt Jemima said:

      when support team wasnt a meme

      There is 5 Pepes in the picture

    4. Dangus


      *cough* 6 *cough*


      Also, throwback to when Solomon denied my Support Team request because I accidentally looked at my support ticket in AdminCP and KrissKross went off in the note he left on the app. Ahhh good times.


  5. There's a csgo waiting room on ts, when we are feeling 10 mans that is usually where we congregate
  6. Fight or flight
  7. Join our 10 mans and find out.
  8. 9 out of 10 players say they were global or supreme at one point
  9. YouTube is actually profiling me



    1. iPopsicle


      Odd. There is not option for 'boys'

    2. DashTonic


      22 minutes ago, Ignis said:

      Odd. There is not option for 'boys'

      You have to make stuff odd don't you

    3. ThatNerdyGuy
  10. watch me and pledge beat blinder again


    1. Tb:)



    2. Tb:)




  11. watch me beat tb



  12. G403 wireless is what I have been using and liking
  13. o7
  14. testing quality


































  15. Got a new glock skin for the next csgo 10mans 


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      My headset died, I have no sound in left ear. Maybe falcon will have q chance now!

    3. BananaHammock


      You could play mono and falcon would still lose.

    4. Luke Duke
  16. testing some things




















  17. Remember, like with Gaming keyboards, the "Gaming" Part is usually a gimmick. I am not saying that all "Gaming" products are overpriced for what they are, but generally, getting audiophile headphones will usually beat out their "Gaming" counterparts for the price. Go to https://www.head-fi.org/ and check the headphones you are thinking about getting. The Audio Techinica AD700x Air ones are amazing headphones for the price, however they are open air, and while that does make for a beautiful sound stage, they let in a lot of noise from your room. They are great for positional audio, and will give you great mids and highs, the only downfall being that they lack a little in the bass department. If I were you, I would ask myself whether open or closed back would be better; whether you will have a lot of noise in the room you are using them in, and if you expect that, then the sound blocking aspects of closed back would be better. If wherever you plan on using them is going to be quieter, then you cant go wrong with open air. AD700x https://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-ATH-AD700X-Audiophile-Open-Air-Headphones/dp/B009S332TQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1546657841&sr=8-1&keywords=ad700x As for the best of both worlds, I would get the Game Ones or Game Zeros by sennheiser https://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-GAME-Gaming-Headset-Black/dp/B00KNPYAEY/ https://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-GAME-ONE-Gaming-Headset/dp/B00KK8ZLEC/
  18. https://i.gyazo.com/2ea900ee9b81ae3cb5984774dcfce640.mp4
  19. Anyone want to play some SQUAD?






    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Montez


      you're fucking nutty with that marksman kit, got damn

    3. hawk


      This game looks fun

  20. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals

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