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Luke Duke

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Luke Duke

  1. Keep up the good work!


  2. Getting flashbacks from the Altis Coast Guard Days. Brace for impact Rear Admiral McDili


  3. AAC HQ, I remember cloak and co1t doing my first training there in sub 5 minutes.
  4. Any word on when planes will be fixed and the minigun readded?

  5. I miss Reapers. Rip FadedHazard
  6. When will the Armed Planes be fixed? The derpy tank gun is not worth the 750k price tag on such a weak aircraft.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Viper


      They'll fix em, its because of the update they had to roll them back.

    3. Zurph


      did they take the ghost hawk gun off the plane?

    4. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      yeah boy was i suprised when i got into a dogfight earlier

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I’ve seen this guy. Polenar’s hilarious. 

  7. ^^^^ Mine sometimes takes a couple minutes because of it. Rebel flag on the side of my vehicles is worth the wait imo
  8. Happy bday you toxic bastard




    1. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      @Storm7 who the fuck dislikes a happy birthday post?


  9. @cLoak

    Not sure if you are still alive, but happy bday


    Have a good bday

  10. Kavala Space Program appears to be testing launch options on bigger vehicles.



  11. legit got DQ'd cause a member crashed during warm up and sub was not allowed to join. Every time he tried it told him he wasnt a player in the match. Next time you're going down!
  12. Run towards the office building and hit space bar as you are going over a curb.
  13. Cheeks at maximum clench


    1. DeadPool


      When arma is deciding whether or not to fuck you

    2. Linka


      is that the fallen somali aircraft ?

    3. DeadPool


      @Linka If it were Somalian it would be super skinny XD 

  14. @Fuzzy
  15. @Linka Best RPer. Takes 15-20minutes sometimes Rzr is better for fast robo cop processing, not rp
  16. May be looking for a solid 5th for csgo gang wars. Must have ESEA rank B- with 10+ RWS. Exceptions may be made.

    If interested, please message myself or dubvee

  17. It's a video game it's not to scale.
  18. Stop ruining my immersion
  19. Proud to be apart of the newly formed Coast Guard. I hope all the seaman share the same joy i have at this very moment!

    @McDili - Glad to be serving under you again

    1. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      Congrats buddy! This is a step in the right direction for the APD.

    2. Egnazio


      +1 very happy to be apart of this new endeavor with @McDili and @Luke Duke

    3. Hoonter


      I think the Coast Guard will be a welcome addition to the Rp aspect's of Olympus

  20. We took a boat out really far on a boat patrol looking for pirates/illegals/drug smugglers from stratis. We were 100km south of pyrgos HQ, and got demoted, originally for "AFKing cop time", however we werent afk so now the new reason is "Neglecting APD duties". We were rp-ing with a medic for a good chunk on it, that our throttle was stuck open, and that we were running low on gas. A medic flew out to us to rescue us and we lost dubvee to sharks after he couldnt get in the heli. Honestly it was a good laugh all around, however we got blue falcon'd by @Fushigi for some reason.
  21. Need the Altis Coast Guard on the scene. Too bad we cant leave cities anymore. We are currently Land Locked.
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