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Everything posted by platinumfire

  1. @Ivan Sidorenko hahaha "Send Help" and look at what these dumb asses are doing hahaha
  2. nobody gonna want that shit just saying
  3. @hadi mokdad while hes getting interview (so angry)
  4. So who's the most active gang right now. and are there any fights happening or is it dead

    1. JAMIE


      server 2 







      all active and will bring the fight

    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Tree likes to direct chat with local flora.

  5. For those of us including me if you live in Florida did ya evacuate or no

    (I didn't bye the way)

    1. Lord Wolf
    2. Fedot


      Send me your account credentials before flordia  gets Irmad

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      He's gotta arma bro, til his house collapses and kills him while he's doing a run. 

  6. never laughed so hard :lol:


  7. Wow so much effort all for nothing
  8. why u selling the garage sell back to me if you would
  9. Corban i would take you always
  10. Good luck in college @Goodman. o7
  11. Who does this remind you of? if any.


  12. We dont need no Female Body Inspectors here get you creepy ass out
  13. We dont need anymore APD already too many
  14. I love the new signature :wub:

  15. Olympus are you trying to sabotage your own servers?? like @Tman15tmb might have been the best admin, like what dafuk.

  16. Man what ever happend to the great fights in the past where players wouldn't roach. that petty shit is getting very old very fast, also i look forward to all the shit ECL players that might comment on this :D

    1. KrispyK


      right? when ever we try to do a bw or fed we get 5 gangs countering us with 13 cops on. shits a hassle

    2. bigPat
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