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Everything posted by Linka

  1. I did not make the call to remove quilins, and it was the whole community and I didn't even play then lol
  2. People stopped fighting the cartel as frequently as soon as the big tower was removed. We aren't going to get anything done if we don't take risks and see what works and doesn't, and no big tower didnt work.
  3. Hey boys, there’s an open spot for cartel council so PM DeadPooL your app :)

  4. @cLoak happy birthday velocity gang leader

  5. so far we are 3/3 on cartel changes boys

    1. Mikail
    2. J O E

      J O E

      Fancy sharing what they are ornate you just keeping them hidden

  6. Linka

    Cartel Life

    yeah would love getting pushed by 10 quilins instead of an ifirit lol but yeah guys any ideas are welcome honestly, specifically making people fight church instead of OG!!
  7. @Zurph I’ll get the boys to fight
  8. who is going to pax east 

  9. happy birthday @Corporal Moob bring back mc

  10. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/linkers/
  11. You’d have to whitelist it because these retards will 100% hack
  12. i have fans who make sound boards of me feelsgoodman

  13. that was a yikes, shouldve fucked off

    1. ThatNerdyGuy
    2. maxg


      wait are you telling me Nerdy couldn't ghawk a armed HURON 

  14. We are selling an Armed Huron with the starting bid of 10 mill!
  15. i physically cannot change my fov

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. iamvaltrix
    3. silver


      @Linka go to documents, Arma 3 and then find your profile name. if you cannot find it check arma 3 other profiles located in documents as well. find your player file,  it's the 15 KB file. Make sure it's also the player file and not the .vars or .3den file. then open the file, find the FOV setting using ctrl+F and change it accordingly. use this as a calculator


      make sure to save the file and restart arma 3.

    4. Linka


      i knew how 2 do it but it wasnt saving i fixed it 

  16. whats the best asvab practice site?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dante-


      You do what I do and you wing that Bitch 

    3. Tacosmell


      ASVAB doesn't change no matter what MOS you are going for. But it is honestly common sense and the biggest thing people do is overthink questions. Not going to lie i was top of my class in hs and got a 35 on asvab due to overthinking. It's going to feel like it's too easy. 

    4. Linka


      this is gonna be my first one thru school and if i dont get what i want ill do it thru recruiter xd 

  17. can we lower ifirt prices so every gang can stack 9 ifirts a fight 

  18. so instead of everyone using quilins every just drives single ifirts lol

    1. Linka


      can we bring them back like holy shit lol

    2. Skorch


      u guys asked for this


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