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Status Replies posted by Linka

  1. ApJ1f8b.png

    1. Linka


      9/10 if u say you have amodel girlfriend, you dont have a girlfriend

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. hey guys im planning a coup to become owner @ Ryan

    1. Linka


      @ Elements  back in 2014 @ Grandma Gary  said ill get the server when he dies, so in like a week or so that will probably take place

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. hey guys @ proud  and I are making a new gang what should we call it 

    1. Linka


      @ Panda :)  i’ve noticed a bad trend where gangs have been reforming and tarnishing their previous reputations, no no not my top tier gang of players!

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  4. hey guys @ proud  and I are making a new gang what should we call it 

  5. hey guys @ proud  and I are making a new gang what should we call it 

    1. Linka


      @ proud  I agree, good thinking co leader proud 

      @ HyperGoat  These guys couldn’t handle an active version of me 

      @ Lucien wrong 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  6. Opinion on driving a prowler on top of fed when players are doing dome strat 🤔 

    Scummy or respectable? 

    1. Linka



    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. happy birthday to my brother @ King

    1. Linka


      just crazy I didn’t get a happy birthday in february, but it’s whatever 

  8. Opinion on driving a prowler on top of fed when players are doing dome strat 🤔 

    Scummy or respectable? 

    1. Linka


      thought I was replying to a new person wtf @ HyperGoat  we used to counter such worse shit then mfers being on the dome

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. Opinion on driving a prowler on top of fed when players are doing dome strat 🤔 

    Scummy or respectable? 

    1. Linka


      you know they are doing it! what can you do to counter it? instead of constantly asking for rule changes, and i’m saying this unironically, be better at the game. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. yearly wipe start it june 1st and free money @ Ryan

    1. Linka


      i’d probably come back on account of a reset. the only issue is from my perspective making money on civ is a eons more difficult. however that could bring back gang runs and stuff of that nature and I could get behind that 

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  11. Not going to write some long winded actual post, but it was fun while it lasted. Hope I actually made conquest better, not sure if I'll be around or back at some point. Life kind of took over all my free time. o7

    Thanks for all the good memories and uh this was probably a little late lmao. 


  12. @ -Shawn-  Hey i’m back is trident still active 

  13. @ -Shawn-  Hey i’m back is trident still active 

    1. Linka


      @ -Shawn-  What’s a curcio sounds like it’s from Harry Potter

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. @ -Shawn-  Hey i’m back is trident still active 

  15. Man it must really be irritating to comment something then immediately see a downvote right next to it. It’s Almost like someone’s deliberately tarnishing your reputation @ -Shawn-

  16. @ Civak  I’ll play CS today if you and @ Zahzi respond to this good luck 

  17. Reminder that if you won in the giveaway to make a support ticket requesting your winnings 🙂 

  18. @ Ryan unban @ hawkg  right now or hatchbacks is taking the money from the PayPal

    1. Linka


      @ Parker R  what the hell man? I fight for the people. no one down voted when I was rooting for your unban. this is a crime. what the fuck man

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. I have now met 2 Olympus players in person and survived 🙏 last one will probably stab me! @ silton

    1. Linka


      @ Noble  can confirm buckie did not murder me. I also brought along a 6”2 250 lbs black friend though so results could vary. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  20. I have gotten my first stripe in jiu jitsu, @ johnny goose no one can touch you now .

    1. Linka


      @ doubleueyeceekay thank you! I am not letting it get to my head and still focusing on surviving and just gaining experience. i’m here for the journey 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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