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Everything posted by Augustus

  1. this is beautiful
  2. Pretty dumb. People come to cartel to fight, and they come to cartel and notice they're in the water, where they're practically invincible. Ruins the game for the rest of the players that actually want to fight. Please stay out of warzone and go back to play with your SB retards in kavala.
  3. shit music, shit player, kill yourself. love ya ajax
  4. I think defibs would be better
  5. okay just sit here with your rangefinders out and look to the city right by me why, this is a total wast— itll look cool on the forums, trust me
  6. Lost (Took me 3 months to finish, well worth.) Limitless (TV Show,not movie) Narcos, Freaks and Geeks for comedy, and Better Call Saul
  7. rahim+mrco too stronk
  8. When I played vigi a while ago, I would always keep a lethal on me and keep that out, and have a sting in your backpack. When you see a bounty take the sting/spar out. This helps because you can use lethal force at any time, and people don't know you're a vigi (unless you use the carrier lite black) since your vigi gun is in your pack.
  9. @R A N D Y HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!:wub:

    1. asdasd123



  10. For best current officer, most definitely Maddog
  11. I second this
  12. gotta love the random asking "who are you" in sidechat, nice screenshot
  13. tbh there's like no good active players right now
  14. Do more pls
  15. blindfold oh never mind I didn't read it all
  16. I don't think we'll be able to leave our cars unattended without them being launched by some random with a go-kart now :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. platinumfire


      just dont go to kavala :) 

    3. Dangus


      Won't be a random, it'll be a wild bow. In his natural habitat. feasting on the unattended cars, with an endless stomach, not getting hungry.

    4. Bow


      I will be there when you least expect it, lurking in the shadows of Kavala, waiting for the opportune moment when your back is turned and I will sneak up behind you and under your car. You'll hear the loud sounds of gunshots and air rushing out of tires and before you can turn around your car will be 300 meters up in the sky.

  17. I noticed on your profile it has the green box with your like counter, and it says "excellent", and as long as you have at least 1 + rep it's excellent, and I have 595 and it's still excellent. Can we get some different titles? (if you guys are even in control of that)

  18. Yeah, but why does there need to be a special section for that? Should be allowed regardless
  19. Flaming should be just allowed on the forums, it's an Altis Life forums, which is extremely competitive, why wouldn't you expect flaming?
  20. Maybe do a temporary removal of the hospital items, or maybe just remove all the items at one of the hospitals, and we can compare FPS and amount of texture bugs?
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