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Everything posted by Dangus

  1. If I remember properly, the two are drug possession and possession of contraband. My understanding is that now drug possession counts only for actual drugs whereas possession of contraband counts either for all illegal items or just items that are illegal that aren’t drugs. So if you have drugs and lockpicks you should get both, but if you only have drugs, I think you should only get drug possession. That’s how it should be anyway if it isn’t already.
  2. That’s a fancy lookin name you got there

    1. Arigato


      Exceptionally gay

    2. -dante-


      Chill out black 

  3. Oh no. @Stuuurrt got staff.



  4. @Hoonter Congratz on corp!!!!!!!

  5. Gotta love the community coming together and bonding over learning the alphabet.

    1. Savage


      little boys like me need their edjumacation

  6. Try out having your game in windows full screen, that prevented it for me.
  7. I'd say try and optimize the settings. If you have GeForce experience you can do to there and they'll make the settings the best for your computer. If that doesn't help much, I would get a new CPU to get a more powerful one. Yes that is harder to replace and is more expensive, but depending on how long you have had it, it might be worth it to replace it.
  8. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Boy was that a hell of a fun night. Single handedly spent over $6 million on titan and rockets, hit at least 30-35 titans, and shot down 10-15 hawks. Can't even count the total number of hawks shot down by our gang in that over 2 hour fight. Not to mention one of the boys snagging the hawk form HQ. Haven't had this much fun in a long ass time.

    All hail The Great Tree!

    Thanks to the 4 Lt's for being good sports and continuing to fight.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DeadPool


      I guess tree is really back? 

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      @DeadPool it’s always been here.  Im back now and some OGs are returning

      @Dangus 2 more APD Ghosthawks came and TheCatsMeow took it down in a blaze of glory!

    4. Dangus


      LOL I'm pissed I wasn't there.

  10. @Proud why would you downvote this? Events were the shit.
  11. @DashTonic holy shit bro! You've donated over $1200 to this awesome server, and that is fucking awesome. Thank you!

    btw please hire me at whatever fuckin job you have.

    @McDili Add this man to the top donors list!!!!

  12. 1. Ok 2. R E D O N E. removed. Those cartels. So again, are only the OG's not being removed and the ones that get removed, are playing of them being replaced? 3. Ok, makes sense. Just seems like it will be too easy for what your payout range said. 4. Last ones had different circumstances. Eatmeth, who was the designer who was gonna work on it, is no longer a designer. So, did another designer take over the project, or was it dropped?
  13. Couple things, 1. Are the new vests gonna be available at rebels, and can we get many different variants to have different color options available to us? Like maybe three of the middle four in the image you shared. Def don't add the black though as that's kind of the color of SAPD vests and what not. 2. Are all of the cartels being redone that aren't the OG ones? If so, are all of them going to end up being replaced, or are they going to have less cartels in the rotation? 3. Will the collectors for weapons trafficking be legal zones and processor illegal? If so, maybe make the two collectors metal scraps and gun powder or something. Metal scraps would be legal, and gun powder could be illegal maybe? 4. Was there any talk at all of redoing parts of the map and kind of an overhaul on illegal areas? Cause before we add another illegal, can we fix the ones we have, especially cocaine and frog, those two are the hardest or for frog, is nearly impossible. Also where can I submit an idea to your sheet deadpool.
  14. Yeah, I never really cry during action/military type movies, but when he dived on the grenade, I started tearing up a bit. I watched them a long time ago with my grandparents, and I absolutely loved them.
  15. Some other good ones that didn't make my list, Fury Unbroken We Were Soldiers The Hurt Locker Act of Valor Red Tails Glory These are all really good movies. I recommend watching all of them at least once.
  16. More of a series of movies, but, Band of Brothers those are my top 5
  17. Went through a similar thing with a person I knew. Was really confusing and rough for the first little while. Definitely changed my outlook on life and friends. As sad as it is, you never know when you might say bye to someone for the last time. When I went through something like this, talking with people was the best thing I could do. If you ever need someone who knows what you're going through and you just want to talk, message me and I'd be happy to listen.
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