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Gang Wars XII - Rosters

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Sorry about the delay.


Please Note : Ambition has been disqualified from the Gang Wars due to having multiple members under 150 hours on our servers, and The Snuggle Piglets dropped out. Stay tuned for a new Bracket!


 Better luck next Gang Wars!


The Inactives : 

  • 3 Rip
  • Fernando
  • Andrewfam
  • Superiorr
  • Benji
  • Parker
  • Callum
  • Randy
  • Nephew
  • 1eyeandrew
  • Haze
  • Connor McGregor



  • Connor 
    John Lemmon 
    Sonny Asif 



  • Moob
  • Ghostface
  • Felipeee
  • Decimus
  • Arigato
  • Linka the useless cunt
  • RambeR
  • Gafski
  • Orcpoc
  • SALT
  • Leslie
  • EWI


  • Sam
  • Xeltini
  • LAst
  • PhizX
  • Egnazio
  • Alex
  • Crunched
  • Viper
  • Duece
  • Ski Mask
  • Matt the Savage
  • Jake

Blackwater Inc:

  • Creepy
  • Shibby
  • DRO
  • Boogey
  • Toasty
  • Digit
  • Kaleq
  • Upgrayded
  • Hats
  • Chubby
  • Toussaint
  • Dredd

The Great Tree:

  • Orgondo
  • Jaeger
  • Frosty
  • Piner
  • Squid
  • Grandma
  • Ellio
  • MonkeyWrench
  • Bloodmoon
  • Seth Mobster
  • Cats
  • Nightngale


  • Joe
  • Ryan Beck
  • ChrisGG
  • Cech
  • Mako
  • Mattias
  • Hurricane
  • Kyle
  • Dominick
  • William
  • Daniel
  • Nova

Prime Rib:

  • Jordan540
  • Falcon
  • Outcast
  • Wong
  • ZoomZoom
  • Fusah
  • Ron
  • Fushigi
  • Dante
  • Ignis
  • Stuuurrt
  • Gomby


  • Zurph
  • Torsin
  • Apache
  • Dawn
  • Sin
  • White
  • Aunty
  • V3nom
  • Analdo
  • Theroy
  • Buckie
  • JuanDeaged

The Mango Republic

  • Mory
  • Brennan
  • Buffalo Bill
  • Noobious
  • Daevon
  • Ludde
  • W33B
  • Snare
  • Chino
  • Eyad
  • Panda
  • mur


Note: Subs are not on the list. 



  • Like 4
  • Kreygasm 1
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