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Shit you hear Olympus players say (v2)

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So I made this post a year ago or something and it was pretty funny what everyone had to say. Basically just post something you hear people say in game/TeamSpeak etc.
*For example*

-comp or ban retard 

-if I were you I would just comp me I have a pocket admin

-my dads the owner 

-Nice rdm John Doe etc. 

-push ogggg


Make it funny, whoever’s  best comment that I find funny will receive $5 million in game! I will announce a winner Monday May 25 6:00PM Pacific standard time. GOOD LUCK!


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“I just asked a staff member and he said thats against the rules” or something similar to that.

”bet me” or “ bet me (however much)”

“cops should have nlr”

”what are these retarded medics doing”

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