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Civilian Representative

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Roundtable Summary 2020-06-28



Remember these are upcoming changes and additions - some of these will take some time to implement.


  • Extent capture zone to mid vendor (currently you can contest from there, but not capture). @silver

    • Make range the same (was 70/90 now 90/90)


  • Move coke pro and field to old area near warzone @Mason Harrison

  • Add more options to the stats page Time and Money section to allow the chart to be expanded beyond just a week. These other options could be the 1 week, 2 week, 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 1 year. @TheHeroNoob


  • Add a clause to vigi rules that allow civs to waive their rights. @Skateezy
    • (This would allow vigis to send players to jail without having to read them their charges).
    • Vigis can only send players to jail w/o reading their rights when the restrained player request to be sent right away/ says "IDC just send me"

APD Roundtable


  • Cooldown after bomb blows on Fed/BW for 15+ minutes.
    • Time is needed to deal with the cleanup the aftermath of federal events this timer would help by allowing Impounds/seizures to be done to help server performance as well
  • Pure heroin substitute for APD
    • "Painkillers" all the same effects, price and weight


  • 25% warzone payment reduction

  • Bank bomb defuse time to 35 seconds

R&R Roundtable

  • "Cancel" option on redeploy screen - Make this a confirmation button though 
    • Puts medic back in front of NPCs
    • Gives medic chance to return in case of redeploy mistake
  • Redeploying refills medic's health, food, and water bars
    • Simulates the medical lightening transport with on-board medical treatment & refreshments
  • Allow medics to see bomb timers (similar to cops) at Blackwater Robbery, Federal Reserve Robbery, &  Jailbreak
    • Lets the medic see when the bomb is blown, signaling the time that his hostage period is over and the medic should leave the area
    • Currently can be tricky for medics to always know the bomb has blown, and this leads to confused unwanted medics being slaughtered in anguish


  • Remove empty fuel cans entirely/ or be able to refill them at gas station
    • Currently they are just dead weight with no purpose other than deletion
    • Would be useful to see them refillable at gas stations

Staff Roundtable


  • The ability to fully heal at all gas stations on the map.


You can find the roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:


Recommended Comments

Guest Skateezy


Thanks for the fast write up man.

Good changes this week my friends - keepin shit fresh!



26 minutes ago, Jeron said:

don't see my tier 3 


And you never will

Good shit glorious leader @SuWooP

  • Love 1
  • Downvote 1
  • Head Civilian Council



Remove empty fuel cans entirely/ or be able to refill them at gas statio


Which one is it going to be.



44 minutes ago, Silton said:

And you never will

Good shit glorious leader @SuWooP

How you gonna kneepad SUWOOP??



58 minutes ago, Silton said:

And you never will

Good shit glorious leader @SuWooP

I think that's the first time I've seen you say something positive about the state of civ council :kappahd:



3 hours ago, rabid said:

suwoop did nothing ryan just put it on pause but ok 😂


3 hours ago, Bloodmoon said:

How you gonna kneepad SUWOOP??

Nice vests retards suck my cock



11 minutes ago, rabid said:

I think ur sucking suwoops cock lol

Relax buddy just commending the young lad for the work put in. I'm not a faggot like you sAPD blokes

  • Clown 1
LULA 2022 - PT 13

Posted (edited)

57 minutes ago, Silton said:

Relax buddy just commending the young lad for the work put in. I'm not a faggot like you sAPD blokes

APD are fags but the guys on the video game equivalent of the party planning committee aren't? 

Edited by sploding
  • Clown 1


2 hours ago, sploding said:

APD are fags but the guys on the video game equivalent of the party planning committee aren't? 

I refuse to take a guy who made a badge for roleplaying as a cop seriously. Enjoy the tier 2 buddy!

Guest Skateezy


11 hours ago, sploding said:

APD are fags but the guys on the video game equivalent of the party planning committee aren't? 


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