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Roundtable Summary 2021-2-14




  • Have a dope crate option at the pole when S&R + aren't on - @Tapatio
    • Purchase it for $150k
    • Lasts for 30min
    • Are not buyable when S&R+ are online
    • still costs 15k to receive dope


  • Ability to use gang garage at hospitals @Imagine_

APD Roundtable



  • Ability for certain face wear (masks/glasses etc.) to offer night vision.
    • Adds an alternative to players having to run around wearing pilot helmets.
  • A death screen option to allow epi from an APD Officer.
    • If an APD Officer epis a civilian they cannot arrest them.
    • This is a useful feature for when you accidently lethal a civlian or when a civilian dies/is killed and there are no medics available or there are no civilians around to be able to epi the individual. 

Staff RoundTable



  • Redneck rodeo - @Masoooooooooon
    • Spoiler


      • 5 players in a team
      • Event spawns pickup trucks with 5 long barrel shotguns with slug ammo and 5 assualt packs (ammo should be alot so you cannot run out)
      • 1 player will drive the car 4 players will be on the back attempting to kills other teams
      • If the driver gets shot out a player from the back may hop out and change place with him
      • there must always be atleast 1 person on the back of the pickup truck (if you are the last person you have to sit in the back and cannot change to driver)
      • Any player what hops out of the vehicle and shoots will be dq'ed
      • Location will be where demo derby takes place
      • Cars should spawn in with 5 assualt packs and a shit ton of ammo so you cannot run out



  • Rednecks on Water (Same Idea just on water) - @Masoooooooooon
    • Spoiler


      • 5 players in a team
      • Event spawns Rhibs with 5 long barrel shotguns with slug ammo and 5 assualt packs (ammo should be alot so you cannot run out)
      • 1 player will drive the boat 4 players will be on board attempting to kills other teams
      • If the driver gets shot out a player on the boat may change place with him
      • there must always be atleast 1 person in a seat which can be shot off (if you are the last person you have to sit in the back and cannot change to driver)
      • If you hop out of the boat you will be killed
      • Event will have around a 150m wide arena with walls making sure they cannot go outside



  • Med-kit - @Mako
    • FAK alternative
    • Y inventory, 1 weight $500
    • Custom action keybind (8) so players don't accidentally scroll wheel heal when trying to do various actions with scroll
    • Non-cancelable so they're not superior to vanilla FAK.
  • Evidence lockup - @Headless
    • During a server restart all gear seized by the APD (excluding BW gear) is put into a container at the jail.
    • The jail gate must be blown to be able to start the robbery of the Evidence lockup
    • To rob the evidence lockup you need to use a hacking terminal and after 5 minutes a crate with all the gear seized throught restart will be available to be grabbed.
    • 5 minute timer after using hacking terminal for the crate to unlock.
    • You would still be able to break into the jail with 0 cops on, however to break into the locker there would need to be 5 cops online at the start.
  • Blue Zone Rule - @Jig
    • Pharmaceutical and APD Escort Zone now allows civilians to shoot cops on sight w/o code 3 or engagement.
    • Civilians can not shoot each other unless engaged
    • Redzone rules applies for APD members in these zones
    • Ex: Cop code 3's to pharmaceutical and can shoot any armed civilian's on sight.
    • Ex: Cop comes in dark has to verbal and civilians can shoot them on sight.


  • Remove or reduce fluctuating market - @Strae
    • Currently can go down to ~30% reduction in price after selling


You can find the roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:


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