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Roundtable Summary 2022-07-30



Civilian Council 

  • Conquest
    • Reduce flag capture time by 3.5 seconds per group member within 100m - Approved, but the numbers will be tweaked to utilize ratio rather than absolute count to actually reflect "overwhelming majority" and will not be as significant in most situations
      • Groups must have overwhelming majority 
      • For example:
        • 10v10 would be 45 seconds
        • 10v5 would be 10 seconds
        • 5v4 would be 27.5 seconds 
    • Decrease respawn timer based on death location 
      • The closer to a capture point the larger the decrease 
      • For example:
        • If you die within 100m of a point, your respawn timer would be 1m 15sec
        • If you die more then 100m from a point, your respawn timer would remain the same
  • Runs
    • Redesign hybrid runs (runs with legal and illegal components) to favor illegal aspects and the person doing the run - Moonshine & Mushroom processor redesign approved for greater dependability, meth is already pretty good
    • Cigar/Cigarette Run - Combining two fields into one legal/illegal run doesn't really change the dynamics very much, and the APD are already strongly against illegal runs involving legal components.
      • Reasoning
        • This gives players the option to be passive and do a simple low risk run like legal runs, and have the option for higher risk runs. While making people trying to rob them follow them and keep an eye on them to be able to rob and not just set up a basic overplayed ambush.
        • (If too many runs as is, This is a good way to phase out old style of runs and test something new.) Like Ditch Weed or silver and place according)
      • Legal Route
        • Tobacco Field > Cigarette/Dart Roller > General Market 
      • Illegal Route
        • Tobacco Field > Cuban Roller > Cuban Dealer 
      • New zones added
        • Tabaco Field
          • Legal zone
        • Cigarette/Dart Field
          • Legal zone
        • Cuban Cigar Roller
          • Illegal zone
        • Cuban Dealer 
          • Illegal zone
      • New items added
        • Tobacco
          • Acts as the unprocessed resource 
          • Sells for 75$
        • Cigarette/Dart
          • Acts as the legal processed resource
          • Sells for $900-$1800
        • Cuban Cigar 
          • Acts as the illegal processed resource
          • Sells for $1500-$3200
  • Vigilante
    • Add regull alternative to vigilantes - Y'all can have coffee - the novelty of a special item isn't worth the implementation time 
      • Reasoning
        • Would be a small but cool item that only vigilantes would have, something special for them, as the coffee to the apd. + would be a nice trophy for rebels when they kill a bounty hunter.
      • Titled: Cappuccino
      • No changes from regull besides name and visuals 
    • Add Vigilante HQ - You already have a "vigi hq" at Athira 
      • Big outpost similar to an APD HQ - Sure, we can make it bigger 
      • Allows tier 3 vigilantes+ to respawn at the HQ
      • Would contain a helicopter pad - Airfield is literally right there
      • Location would be on top of the hill near the sand processor, north of it.
  • Scats
    • Limit player housing to 5 per player instead of per account
      • Reasoning
        • Currently there are a lot of houses owned by 1 player, this would increase current house slots and with future changes to houses provide more availability and a less monopolized market.
    • Add purchasable perk to spawn in with GPS + selected clothing uniform - will be part of a large system coming soonTM
  • Feds
    • Add wave rule to starting point pharma and bank - Already done by the APD
      • If 5 or less cops RESPONDING then no wave rule 
    • Limit the amount of striders able to be utilized at a fed to a specific amount - This was denied last RT and re-proposed without any changes to address the previous reason for denial
      • Reasoning
        • Smoke fighting is something very few people enjoy doing, limiting the availability of striders at a federal event causes less smoke fighting whilst still allowing APD to smoke off important areas.

Senior APD

  • Add
    • Fuel siphon
      • Multiple use y-inventory item (2 weight/$5k) that with a 20 second animation allows players (all factions) to empty fuel out of a vehicle.
      • Drains to 10%, cannot drain if < 10%
      • Reasoning: An additional y-inventory item that can perform an action that cannot currently be performed in-game. 
    • Civilian House Raiding - Would be very one-sided towards people that just want to knock down doors for free gear or to harass specific groups 
      • Civilians would have the ability to raid one another houses in an attempt to get the virtual/physical items stored inside. 
      • Reasoning: An additional feature that adds another dynamic to Olympus that allows civilians the opportunity to obtain gear that is locked away inside of houses which as of current is unobtainable.
      • How Civilian House Raiding Would Work: 
        • Purchase a crowbar for $500k (y-inventory item) from a Rebel Outpost.
          • The crowbar is a one time use item. 
        • The house owner/key holder must be online on the Civilian Faction for a player to attempt to raid their house. 
          • Once a house raid has been initiated regardless of whether the owner/key holder log out the raid can continue, the gear will still be accessible within the property. 
        • The house must first be boltcutted, or broken into in some form.
        • The player then would use the crowbar inside of the property to start raiding the house. 
        • Raiding a house takes 15 minutes. 
          • The player utilizing the crowbar must remain in the animation, otherwise the house raid would be cancelled and the crowbar disappears. 
        • Once the house raid is completed the player conducting the house raid will be able to access the house inventory for 30 minutes. 
          • Once the 30 minutes has passed the house will automatically reseal and would require the process to be repeated to access the inventory again. 
            • Alternatively the house owner/key holder can windows key inside of the house and reseal the inventory. This action is an animation that takes 3 minutes to complete. Failure to remain in the animation cancels the action. 
    • Alternative Gear Access Proposals:
      • Option to raid a house’s virtual or physical inventory. 
        • Rather than when raiding the house all gear is accessible after completion of the house raid only the virtual or physical gear would be accessible.
          • The player could still choose to repeat the process and attempt to rob the other inventory once the animation is completed. 
      • Once a house raid is completed the player would be able to select 5 virtual and 5 physical items from the inventory to take. This would be all of that item that they would be able to take.
        • Eg. A house has 100 Moonshine, the player would be able to take 100 of the moonshine and this would only be counted as 1 item towards the total of 5 virtual items that can be selected. 
    • Extra House Upgrades:
      • Alarm System. 
        • An alarm system upgrade can be purchased for houses for $500k. 
        • The alarm system will send a notification to all owners/key holders that are online, warning them that their house is being raided.
        • A notification will appear on the map over the house that is being raided.
      • Reinforced Storage. 
        • 3 tiers of reinforced storage can be purchased for houses for $1 mil per a tier. 
        • Each tier adds 5 minutes onto the time it takes for a player to raid a house. 
          • Eg. Tier 0 - 15 minutes, Tier 1 - 20 minutes, etc. Maximum raid time would be 30 minutes if all reinforced storage upgrades are purchased. 
        • All of the aforementioned house upgrades would contribute towards a house’s house tax every 45 days similar to storage upgrades.
  • Change 
    • Remove the ability for the Blackfish (Vehicle Transport) to load BlackWater/Airdrop Vehicles until they are claimed. - Denied in favor of the fuel change
      • Reasoning: The APD does not have a vehicle that can effectively counter the Blackfish due to its speed.
    • Reduce Blackfish total fuel by 33%.
      • Reduce Blackfish (Vehicle Transport) fuel by an additional 50% when transporting a vehicle. 
      • Reasoning: Prevents the Blackfish from being able to be airborne for a significant amount of time, allowing the opportunity for players to attempt to catch up with the Blackfish, or locate the Blackfish. A Blackfish (Vehicle Transport) transporting a vehicle is carrying extra weight so this should be reflected in fuel consumption. 
    • Remove the ability to sling the HEMTT Transport Covered. - The price increase compared to the HEMTT Box is not enough to compensate for the benefit of being able to fit into the federal reserve dome and have the same storage. As well a weight decrease would result in the box becoming useless as the HEMTT Transport Uncovered can already be slinged for just 200 less base weight when compared to the HEMTT Box. 
      • Reasoning: The HEMMT Transport Covered holds the same weight as a HEMMT Box (which cannot be slinged) and is currently able to be slinged. This is obviously a significant amount of weight that the vehicle can carry and far surpasses all other vehicles that can be slinged. 
    • Reduce Vigilante bounty payout by 50% for bounties that are restrained within 500m of a DMV.
      • Eg. Vigilante restrains someone in Athira Square, upon sending the player to jail at a Vigilante Outpost they would receive 50% less money for the bounty. 
      • Reasoning: Vigilantes camping major cities preventing civs (especially newer players) from being able to regear after respawning is an issue. This has the domino effect of that player not getting the gear they need to conduct whatever activity they so choose resulting in less content on the server. 
    • Increase vehicle pull price after being impounded by APD/RnR. 
      • Vehicles will not incur a fee if retrieved from an impound yard at a hospital 
      • Vehicle Impound Fee for Vehicle Type. 
        • Car (Hatchback - SUV) - $5k
        • Small Truck (Flatbed - Zamak) - $10k
        • Large Truck (Tempest - Hemmt) - $15k
        • Small Heli (M900 - Hummingbird) - $10k
        • Medium Heli (Orca - Hellcat) - $15k 
        • Large Heli (Mohawk - Taru) - $20k
      • Reasoning: This is an additional tax for players that do not store their vehicle, incentivizing players to store their vehicle, or be essentially charged by the state for not doing so. 
    • Change bomb defuse to a scroll wheel action. 
      • Remove bomb defuse kit. 
      • Reasoning: Quality of life update that removes the requirement to access y-inventory to attempt to defuse a bomb. 

Senior RnR

  • Add
    • Deny by APD option on dispatch - It's really not hard to tell that the 3rd party is the APD when you're dead; if there's a need to give the player more details, send a text message 
      • It helps let other medics & civilians know that APD denies them.
    •  Medic Delivery Crate missions “S&R+” - Let's fix medic DP missions instead. Requiring they carry a crate that'll cost them money if it's not delivered will make them far more invested in the mission and less likely to want to divert for a revive.
      • This could be something for medics to do when we have downtime while playing.  Similar to plane missions the medic would sling a crate from Hospitals and APD stations for money.
      • They could pay between 60k-125k based on the distance traveled.
    • The ability for medics to save a vehicle that's been destroyed
      • If they can respond fast enough, medics will be able to windows key burning wreckage and try to save it.  
      • If the medic is able to save the vehicle it will return to the owner's garage with basic insurance if it had any insurance or with none if it did not have any.
      • This can have medics moving around a bit more and give them the opportunity to interact more with the Civilians and APD.
      • Medic can earn from 15k-50k based on the vehicle saved.
    • One minute drowning immunity after getting revived underwater.
      • This QOL change can help civilians make it to the surface of the water.
  • Change
    • Fuel can to be unlimited like the tow & sling (only for medic)
      • Making it unlimited will help medics help the civilians if they forget to buy another can of gas and the civ is stuck in the middle of nowhere.
    • Give Dope to the windows key instead of the scroll wheel.
      • This QOL feature will make it easier for medics to give dopamine. 
  • Fix
    • Xi’an bug - We'll try, but no promises
      • A temp fix for this until Bohemia fixes this is to have the group leader issue the “Stop” command and it fixes the issue for Xi'an and blackfish fliers.
  • Remove 
    • Vehicle animations for the Orca and hellcat. (only for medic)
      • Another QOL change to help medics get in and out of their vehicles faster to provide medical service


Recommended Comments

different poseidon



Limit player housing to 5 per player instead of per account

  •  this is the retarded shit ive ever heard and ive said alot of retarded shit
  • TriHard 1


@ Zahzi  👀 That GPS thing would be a pog moneysink esp with it being available to reb+vigi+wpl AHEM, AHEM AHEM AHEM

  • Haha 1
Walt Is A Mako Rebrand


  • Allows tier 3 vigilantes+ to respawn at the HQ

OK Cool.

What are tier 5's getting to balance this?

You guys keep degrading awards for Vigilante while adding absolutely nothing.

Did it with Prowler now doing it with respawns, and the biggest change we could get added is a rebrand Redgull? Who the hell is on Vigi council? LOL



Who on gods green earth thought this was a good idea? I need @'s

  • Alternative Gear Access Proposals:
    • Option to raid a house’s virtual or physical inventory. 
      • Rather than when raiding the house all gear is accessible after completion of the house raid only the virtual or physical gear would be accessible.
        • The player could still choose to repeat the process and attempt to rob the other inventory once the animation is completed. 
    • Once a house raid is completed the player would be able to select 5 virtual and 5 physical items from the inventory to take. This would be all of that item that they would be able to take.
      • Eg. A house has 100 Moonshine, the player would be able to take 100 of the moonshine and this would only be counted as 1 item towards the total of 5 virtual items that can be selected. 
  • BlessUp 1


4 minutes ago, Mr Blackfish said:

Who on gods green earth thought this was a good idea? I need @'s

  • Alternative Gear Access Proposals:
    • Option to raid a house’s virtual or physical inventory. 
      • Rather than when raiding the house all gear is accessible after completion of the house raid only the virtual or physical gear would be accessible.
        • The player could still choose to repeat the process and attempt to rob the other inventory once the animation is completed. 
    • Once a house raid is completed the player would be able to select 5 virtual and 5 physical items from the inventory to take. This would be all of that item that they would be able to take.
      • Eg. A house has 100 Moonshine, the player would be able to take 100 of the moonshine and this would only be counted as 1 item towards the total of 5 virtual items that can be selected. 

@ Winters

  • Like 1
  • Jew 1


Why is the APD intentionally, over and over again, trying to nerf itself? @ Winters

Also, before there is a claim of "this would only affect civs!" no. The dev team would inevitably (or use this change) as justification for a nerf on APD house searching. 


Blackfish fuel change makes it go from a 30 min air time vehicle to a 15 min flight time (at 100% throttle, reduce the throttle and this value goes towards 45mins/1hr). 100km/hr difference for 15 mins = 15km advantage, so no effective nerf to the fish. 

Crazy how a small group of people are keen on keeping this broken vehicle transporting fed trucks or claiming the BW vehicle.  But then again, this same group of people want the APD to "proportionally" respond. i r o n i c

  • Like 1


14 minutes ago, Mr Blackfish said:

Why is the APD intentionally, over and over again, trying to nerf itself? @ Winters

This would've be a civ system if I understand it correctly. So Civs could raid each others houses

  • Like 1
  • Downvote 1


1 hour ago, NokiaStrong said:

This would've be a civ system if I understand it correctly. So Civs could raid each others houses

See my edited post above. Still confusing why sAPD is recommending civ buffs on a roundtable when there are a plethora of issues that require immediate action.



17 minutes ago, Mr Blackfish said:

See my edited post above. Still confusing why sAPD is recommending civ buffs on a roundtable when there are a plethora of issues that require immediate action.

Because all of sAPD is out of touch with reality and doesnt actually play

  • Like 1


14 minutes ago, Connor S said:

Because all of sAPD is out of touch with reality and doesnt actually play


different poseidon


Limit the amount of striders able to be utilized at a fed to a specific amount  i watched 5 striders and 5 hunters in 1 wave

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