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proud last won the day on February 23

proud had the most liked content!

About proud

SWAT Member
  • Birthday 06/06/2002

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  • Olympus Gang
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    : work or school
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Olympian (4/7)



  1. happy birthday @ nomadox  @ thomaslorddd  and @ Tiger

    yall enjoy ya day homies🙏

  2. ill use this 10 mil to get my pupper back in @ katheeri
  3. happy birthday @ RikuQ  hope you enjjoy your day brother🙏

  4. So hear me out.  There's a picture of you with one of the island boys.... who are twins who have kissed on camera.   Is that really the best look for you right now?

    1. hawkg


      that joke has already sailed sov u are a little too lat e

    2. Legendary
    3. proud



      bro you need to step outside you overweight faggot loser, 15 hours in one day holy fuck your parents failed their job.

  5. IMG_2540.jpg?ex=6632e18a&is=66206c8a&hm=

    so i met an island boy🤣

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. hawkg


      Also proud u need to get some AirPods bud it’s 2023

    3. buckie


      @ hawkg its 2024 buddy you living in the PAST

    4. proud


      @ hawkg  lost a pair n never getting em again, i like the wire so i dont lose em

  6. @ ZeroBlade happy birthday brotha enjoy your day🙏

  7. keep making shit up but when facts come to facts your a lonely loser who’s spending her days rotting in her room and everytime i mention that the 15 year old locked inside ur head comes out, i can tell by the way you act you never got love from your parents, or anyone, and that’s pathetic for a wrinkling 40 yr old. if you jump off a bridge no one’s even throwing you a funeral your just rotting on the street. for the sake of bubaloo im not replying anymore, but let those facts sink in. no life, no friends, no loving family, holy fuck how do you live with yourself knowing you failed in life
  8. except you always come back because you realize how dull your life is as a lonely faggot, i used to o7 when i was like 17 and mentally your about 15.
  9. happy birthday @ Xlax  enjoy your day brotha🙏

  10. free batcan he aint even do nun

    your honor were you even there?

  11. @ Grandma Gary  im your 10,000th like congrats on being the first to hit it

    1. Zeuse


      @ Grandma Gary  is at 9,999 for me??

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


      @ proud  He ruined your plan. gettem

    3. Boovin
  12. happy birthday @ Hatchbacks  hope you enjoy ur day brotha🙏

  13. never enter your steam info if it asks you to. most websites that are legit have your profile ready to sign in, if you have to type in your info its a scam. Steam Community - Google Chrome (gyazo.com) this is what it should look like.
  14. happy birthday @ SPBojo  enjoy ur day homie🙏

  15. Trident will forever be one of the greatest gangs i've ever been a part of, and thank you @ Ryan for allowing me to play with you's. Those are memories I'll never forget, and thats the gang that started the player I am today. Hopefully my jew luck is with me on this giveaway, my eyes are on those ENVG's.
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