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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Sho

  1. apply for APD/RnR when you get 28 hours to make some new friends.
  2. @Tb:) eta shaved head?

    1. Airdrip


      I'm in TS awaiting an interview!

  3. Happy birthday @Hylos

    1. Hylos


      Thanks man appreciate it :D

  4. Superbowl viewing party? 

  5. Honest question. Will we also be restricted from checking kavala rebel? If we chase an orca from air and they go to warzone, are we expected to give up?
  6. Happy birthday @max^

    1. maxg


      Thanks Shoe :wub:

    2. Super_Nova


      @max^ tell him to give me back my 15 mil 

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