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Everything posted by Superiorr

  1. Can't be as bad as 2018 summer swear I had to spam connect anytime in the afternoon
  2. @Jerrod that was you that hit me off that day like 3 times yikes

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Elements


      that was me, sit

    3. Jerrod


      How would I even have your ip anyways 😂

    4. Superiorr


      Bruh your straight shits dead

  3. 200k for a qilin yall are on crack
  4. Dont forget me and @thor
  5. getting sent straight to jail for being a serial killer with a 300k bounty sick. gang homicides definitely need to be worth more.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Strikke


      The charge is less because you killed someone in a gang war (criminal) and not some random innocent person on the street. However you still killed 15 people... (think about that)

    3. PJ.


      Would you have paid the 300K ticket, probably not. Outcome: Sent to jail. Would you have paid the ticket if it was more than that, probably not. Outcome: Jail but longer

    4. Elements


      only a 300k bounty zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  6. that your dads demon or what
    1. Jaster


      ive only played a bit but the game is a lot of fun so far

  7. lethal mar10 w/ 8 mags - 2 mil dms - 5 mil 2x .338 suppressor - offer 2x 6.5 stealth suppressor - offer dm or offer below
  8. Idk why you guys think medics not making money at feds is fair 90% of the time they get taken hostage its not their choice lmao
  9. add new forum backgrounds

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      4 hours ago, Matt The Savage said:

      The Donation goal gets reached in the first 3 days of each month, Olympus should be able to afford it

      Not to mention overflow donations.

    3. Mako


      So you'd prefer having a different forum theme rather than emergency funding for the servers, renewal of things that you don't have the knowledge of or money used for expansion. Sick.

    4. Ronin


      4 hours ago, Mako said:

      So you'd prefer having a different forum theme rather than emergency funding for the servers, renewal of things that you don't have the knowledge of or money used for expansion. Sick.

      can literally imply anything

      peter long is funding a new lambo?

  10. So since you guys are at a gang shed he cant engage and kill the cops around it with a sui vest?
  11. "Documentation relating to online gaming profiles for silton" Kinda thought it was a troll at first lol not good bud @Silton
  12. I also have 2 type 115 suppressors
  13. I think I have 11
  14. lethal mar 10 and suppressor 15 mill
  15. He wasnt banned for cheating on olympus...
  16. How the fuck do you have 6 dms scopes and 3 7.62 suppressors
  17. C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Arma 3\MPMissionsCache Just change "Chris" to whatever your pc username is and you can just paste that right into your file directory. The Olympus mission file is like 0164_altis_life. You can delete all the missions if your file is big they will just get re downloaded when you join servers
  18. Kid does spam a lot just restrict him to 1 post and 1 status update a day
  19. acquired both
  20. copped the mar 10 just looking for dms now
  21. Get on
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